The Hottest Online Game

Monday, April 20, 2009

What's the best pun name you've ever seen?

We've all seen some Alliance kiddie named "ikillhoarde" or a Warlock named "ifearyoudie." After all, what Horde wouldn't run for cover from a Hunter who's named after his very death? And woe is the person who actually thinks he can get away from a Warlock's fear. Phear the lock, baby.

Add titles into the mix. "Doora the Explorer" is probably my favorite of all time. Every time I see someone named that I yell out "Swiper, No Swiping!" Of course insert the obligatory NSFW Kevin Smith reference here.

Another favorite of mine that I've seen is "Highlander the Immortal."

What's the best pun name that you've encountered in the game? Ever thought about renaming your character to make yourself pun-famous?


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