1. It's really easy and should be done right from the start of the game. Grab the 2 primary
professions, mining and skinning. While you're out leveling yourself you can easily skin the animals.
You're bound to eventually enter a mine which will have many minerals. Be sure to mine those ores.
You can easily sell off the extra items to merchants or players.
2. Make sure you grab quests every chance you get. You can easily gain additional exp, gold, items
and faction while you're leveling. You may even complete some of your quests with out even
knowing because they normally require you to kill off mobs or require you to travel/speak to other
NPCs. The quests of World of Warcraft are more player friendly than other MMORPGs.
3. Don't spend any money buying World of Warcraft items, equipments and other accessories early
in the game. Low level characters from 1-40 are not gear dependent. Along with that fact, you'll get
a nice load of items from just completing quests.
4. While you're out leveling, there are certain monsters that has better drops than others. An
example would be humanoids. They tend to drop more gold and items than any other creatures in
the World of Azeroth.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Basic WoW Gold Tips
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Sunday, August 26, 2007
PvP:High DPS Mage in Arena
Enjoy the wonderful PvP Video in World of Warcraft Arena!
Labels: World of Warcraft Video
Posted by Gamer 0 comments
Saturday, August 25, 2007
WoW Mining Guide---Best WoW Gold Maker
Mining in World of Warcraft is one of the best wow gold makers. Just be sure to sell your stuff in the Auction House in smelted stacks. The Buy Out option is one of your best advantages when you sell so make sure you use it. It's usually best to smelt copper and tin into bronze or vice Versa. Be sure to check the going price and figure out if selling the bases or the product will sell for more.
Lower level mining skill of course wouldn't make you as much as being on top of the chart and we know it may be a little difficult or frustrating to level. It may take about 1 hour to get to tin level so its not too bad. However tin is a little more aggravating. Near ashenvale there is a place with harpies that has a few nice spots. From there stick to the wall and go south, head over to South Barrens. Go around Scorpid, Bristleback and Razormane and you should be able to level your tin in no time.
Mithril is the key to making the most World of Warcraft gold. Engineering and Blacksmiths both need massive amounts to produce the items with their skills. Mithril usually sells off extremely fast a nice price in the auction house.
In southern Kalimdor you'll find Tanaris, a level 40-50 zone. There are many mineral ores that will make you filthy rich. You can start at Gadgetzan and cut across the desert to start. Be sure to check all the rocks and croppings along the way. The place is dangerous with alot of spawns. Travel along the edge, and then back along the outter boundary circling the map. Thistleshrub valley also has a few hot spots along with Un'Goro crater, Zul'Farrak and the areas close to Gadgetzan. Mining mithril may be a bit hard at low level, but the having the copper and tin will help you get some extra gold to spare until higher level. If you're level 50 you should be able to farm mithril fine.
Labels: WoW Gold Guides
Posted by Gamer 0 comments
Make 1000 WoW Gold in 2 Hours
Strapped for cash? need to buy epic flying mount? Want to make 1000g in 2 hours?
Nagrand - Elemental Plateau (67,23)
Wind Elementals = Drop 1-2 motes of air, 10x combines to 1 Primal Air = ~20g per
Fire Elementals = Drop 1-2 motes of fire, 10x combines to 1 Primal Fire = ~25g per
Water Elementals = Drop 1-2 motes of water, 10x combines to 1 Primal Water = ~20g per
2 hours of farming yielded 978g
Nagrand - Lake South of Throne of Elements (58,26) under the water
Water Elementals = Drop 1-2 motes of water, 10x combines to 1 Primal Water = ~20g per
Netherstorm - Ruins of Enkaat (34,57) north of area 52
Mana Wraiths = Drop 1-2 motes of mana, 10x combines to 1 Primal Mana = ~15g per
Rock Elementals = drop 1-2 motes of earth, 10x combines to 1 Primal Earth = ~10g per
1 hour of farming yeilded 500g
Shadowmoon Valley - The Hand of Gul'dan (47,45)
Fire Elementals = Drop 1-2 motes of fire, 10x combines to 1 Primal Fire = ~25g per
Rock Elementals = drop 1-2 motes of earth, 10x combines to 1 Primal Earth = ~10g per
2 hours of farming yeilded 840 WoW Gold! :)
Labels: WoW Gold Guides
Posted by Gamer 0 comments
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Rogue Solo in Stratholme:300 WoW Gold per hour
If you want to get more wow gold, the two videos below will give you some tips, specially your class is Rogue.
Part 1
Part 2
Labels: WoW Gold Guides
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Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Money Making Guide for World of Warcraft
when you make a new charcter make your professions fishing cooking start fishing in low level fishing areas then cook the fish it will be getting your cooking higher and your fishing higher once your fishing hits 170 go to stranglethorn vale make sure your at least 30 before you go there then go to wild shore its a 40 area so before careful then keep travling by the water so you wont die from a 40 tell you see a floating wrekage then fish in it some times you get greens the greens are for level 40 and up keep doing this for a long time dont destroy anything you get from the wreckage when your fishing in them you hav ea good chance of getting a chest dont worry you dont have to pick pocket it you also get beer in the wreckages as soon as you do this go sell the stuff in auction house the greens should be worth like 10 gold if you happen to find a necklace then sell it for 20 gold they are really rare or you can just say WTS then link in the name of the necklace for cooking try to get deviate delight recipe in AH with the money you have as soon as you get it go to the oasis in the barrens then fish for deviate fish and then by mild spices get at least 20 deviate fish then go to any major city and sell it in AH for 20 WoW Gold. now you have enough money to get a mount.
Labels: WoW Gold Guides
Posted by Gamer 0 comments
Monday, August 20, 2007
Zodiac:World of Warcraft Pose
Aquarius 21 Jan-19 Feb
Pisces 20 Feb-20 Mar
Aries 21 Mar-20 Apr
Taurus 21 Apr-22 May
Gemini 23 May-21 Jun
Cancer 22 Jun-22 Jul
Leo 23 Jul-22 Aug
Virgo 23 Aug-22 Sep
Libra 23 Sep-22 Oct
Scorpio 23 Oct-21 Nov
Sagittarius 22 Nov-22 Dec
Capricorn 23 Dec-20 Jan
Labels: WoW Funny Screenshot
Posted by Gamer 1 comments
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Saturday, August 18, 2007
WoW Jokes:Darling,you can not play WoW like this!
1.The so-called "Farm" is not that i kill monsters and you just loot.
2.If you can not see me after skinning,please make good use of the screen in top right corner,don't shout around me.
3.When i was attacked by many monsters,calm down,my darling,don't cast "Word: fortitude" which can not heal me.
4.It doesn't matter if i died,but i saw you were skinning many times .
5.One time,you cried for help,but do you know what i thought when i found that your level was higher than the monster at least 20?
6.I have said many times that there are so much jewel and pearl in bank as to no place for other items.Darling,you are 52 level now,don't keep those things
7.Do not use "Psychic scream" in dungeon, We almost no friends now.
8.When you use "Psychic scream",don't run with monsters in the same direction.
9.The Major Healing Potion i gave you is uesd in very,very,very dangerous.I couldn't understand that we went to raid with a team,as a Priest,you ran out of 10.
10.Don't forget again that you can heal yourself as a Priest,also can heal me.
11.The Clothes and trousers you made can not be sold,please don't put them in AH.
12.Don't mail useless item to Jack,he is level 70 now.
13.I am glad to see that you spent 1 Gold to change talent.Don't care the money in game.
Labels: WoW Jokes
Posted by Gamer 0 comments
Friday, August 17, 2007
WoW Equip
This tool will allow you to easily put together sets of equipment and view your stats and bonuses while using them. The interface should be immediately familar to anyone who has played WoW as it emulates the in-game display. Items can be entered manually or downloaded from allakhazam for ease of use. All items and enchants are supported, including item sets. The tool also allows generation of reports for discussing various sets of equipment on forums.
Requires Windows 2000/XP.
Known issues:
* Web search by name doesn't work, you must paste an item URL to download items.
Labels: WoW Tools
Posted by Gamer 0 comments
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Hunter and Warlock Farm WoW Gold in Black Temple
Hunter and Warlock,only two,farm WoW Gold in Black Temple.
Labels: WoW Gold Guides
Posted by Gamer 0 comments
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
WoW Gold Farming Strategy: Un'Goro Crater
This guide is written with Un'Goro Crater in mind because that's where I farmed most of the time at levels 47-57 but you can apply most of every hint to your preferred zone.
With my shaman, I came to Un'goro Crater at level 48 a Saturday and left the zone by the next Saturday level 55 with more than 500 gold and a full paid enhacement set costing 300 wow gold and some goodies. I had one week of holidays alone, no GF, no friend since everyone was at work ... . Probably most everyone knows the information included in this guide, but I'll share and explain what I have done in detail, so it'll probably help someone.
These are a few key points.....
Profession: Skinning is a needed. If you have herbalism too (like me), it's just better. Miners can find some Thorium/Mythril Veins (not sure about Mythril) in Un'goro.
Mods: Download/install SellValue add-on. So you can see how much vendors will pay for your stuff. If it doesn't sell well and doesn't stack, destroy it. Auctioneer is good too to help you sell stuff at the right price.
Most Importantly: Create a toon and bring him near any AH and a mailbox. You'll need it! If you have time, bring him to level 6 (1-2hr) and take enchanting to disenchant everything that doesn't sell and sell the materials. By the way, humans/undead are faster/easier to bring to an AH.
Check the price of Un'goro Soil and Power Crystals in AH, if they sell well, gather them. If Power Crystals don't sell, use them to buff yourself for free while you grind but only gather the one you need for your buff since they take valuable bag slots.
If you don't have the flight path to Silithus (like me before I knew where the FP in Silithus was), buy any supplie you think you'll need there (reagents, ammo, poisons, flash powder, etc.) and ask a friend or use a toon to send you back your stuff by mail so you get everything you need in the mail box (No shady dealer or reagents seller in Tanaris). When you empty your bag in Gadgetzan, fill-up with the supplies you need from the mail box.
Set your Hearthstone to Gadgetzan or Cenarion Hold if you have the flight path.
Tips/Thing to Remember before go Bags Slot = MONEY
Take only the supplies you need for the time you fill your bag with stuff to sell. IE for rogue, usually 1-2 stacks of each of your preferred poison is enough. Too much supplies = less bag slot for stuff to sell.
Use no more than a bag to take your stuff (even a bag is probably too much anyway), every other slot should be for drops.
No humanoids -> no cloth drop -> bandages become expensive there, but you get a lot of meat so you can cook it. If possible, gather only the meat you really need to feed yourself (or your pet), and cook them when you empty your bag so you don't need to bring spice or wood (for campfire) with you.
Don't group. So you don't have to share anything. I know, it's selfish.
If you are Warlock, you lost a lot of place with Soul Shard, specially with a Soul Bag since you lose a bag for loot. Try to use an add-on like ShardTracker or Necrosis, these add-on manage your shard and once again try to not store more shard than you need. With that, you can use a normal bag to put your loot and your shard in.
NOTE - If you are lower than level 53 start from Tanaris, the mobs are level 49 near the Un'goro entrance by Tanaris, after level 53 use Silithus entrance as mobs are around level 54-55 there.
Un'goro Crater
Kill EVERTHING. If it's a beast, skin it. Herbal mobs have a little chance to drop some herbs. Many mobs have a chance to drop Un'goro Soil too. Thick/Rugged Leather sells for 1g+/stack.
Un'Goro Soil. Usually Soil sells for a 3-4g a stack on my server. You can find them everywhere. Another use for Un'goro Soil is for the repeatable quest "Morrowgrain Research" available in Darnassus/Thunderbluff or Feathermoon Stronghold (Alliance). The quest say "Use an Evergreen Pouch with a Packet of Tharlendis Seeds and two Un'Goro Soil samples to try and cultivate samples of Morrowgrain." You have ~20-25% chance to get Morrowgrain and you need 10 for each time you complete the quest. This quest build your reputation with Darnassus/Thunderbluff and like every item who can build up reputation, Morrowgrain sell for gold. If you don't get Morrowgrain, you still get random herb to sell. *Note If you plan to build up your reputation with that, turn them to Feathermoon Stronghold, someone told me they give the same amount of reputation for only the need of 5 Morrowgrain. There is not equivalent for the Horde. Since the patch 1.10, tailor can now use Morrowgrain to make Cenarion Herb Bag used by herbalist to hold their herb.
Power Crystals. Raw Power Crystals can be used in Blacksmithing. You can gather them for the quest "Crystals of Power" from J.D. Collie in the cavern at Marshal's Refuge for a good XP bonus and "Making Sense of It" to get the Crystal Pylon User's Manual. This manual tell you some info about how to use Power Crystals and Pylon in Un'goro Crater. By combining the right Power Crystals with the right Pylon, you can create up to 4 kind of awesome buffing crystal, Crystal Restore (Heal over time 670hp/15sec, 3min cooldown, share the same cooldown than Healthstone but not healing potion, Northern Crystal Pylon), Crystal Force (+30spi for 30min, 10min cooldown, Eastern Crystal Pylon), Crystal Ward (+200 armor for 30min, 10min cooldown, Western Crystal Pylon) and the last one for tank to get easy aggro Crystal Charge (Small Area-of-effect (3yrd) for 383-517 fire damage, 1min cooldown, Northern Crystal Pylon). These crystal are also used in many Librams quests.
If you are an herbalist, you can gather many herbs which sell very well at the Auction House.
Do some quests if you want, but NEVER waste your time travelling outside the zone for a quest while grinding. It's never worth it, even for the XP.
If it takes more than 45 seconds to kill it you're probably not optimizing your time, find easier mobs and come back later.
Gather Bloodpetal Sprout in the zone and from the mobs. You can turn them to Dadanga for the repeatable quest "Dadanga is Hungry!" at Marshal's Refuge. You get a small amount of XP and a Small Brown-wrapped Package as reward which include some food, scrolls and goodie to help you grinding. If you are lucky enough, you can get the Recipe: Elixir of Brute Force who sell very well (hundred gold?) in the Auction House.
When your bags are full:
Sell stuff to vendors
Send everything else to your alt-bank. Don't waste your time going to the AH, it's too far.
Take the reagents/ammo/poison needed only.
Run back to Un'goro. Rinse and repeat.
Note - If you don't have too much stuff to send to your alt by mail, use the local vendor at Marshal's Refuge.
Good Points
Nice XP (if you do it at same level I've done it). At the end I was able to make around 30k XP/hrs (not rested). You only need to find the right mobs to kill. For instance, if a mob level 50 takes 30sec to kill and give ~200xp, you get ~400xp/min, ~24k XP/hr. If the level 52 takes 1min for ~300xp/min, you get ~18k XP/hr. We're talking about of 6k/hrs, 25% less effective in XP grinding.
Nice gold. Thick/Rugged leather sell for more than 1-2g/stack. Un'goro Soil is supposed to be around 2-4g/stack.
No farmers there.
A lot of mobs, you'll never find yourself waiting for re-spawns.
Skinning will be 300 so fast if you're not already 300.
Bad Points
World PvP, if you are on a PvP server. (Was not my case)
Long run to return to your grinding zone, that's why you need big bags and take nothing else other than what you REALLY NEED so you travel back less often.
Labels: WoW Gold Guides
Posted by Gamer 0 comments
Monday, August 13, 2007
100 Gold Per Hour WoW Gold Guide
Making 100 WoW Gold per hour of play in World of Warcraft isn't as hard as most people may think it is, especially for hunters. There is one secret to this and that is you MUST play a hunter in order for this to work and you MUST have feign death! On a side note, if you are a hunter and don't have feign death go get it and quit being a noob. It also helps for you to already be famaliar with the RFK instance. It also helps for this WoW gold guide to be horde, but alliance can do this as well.
1.When you enter RFK you have to go all the way to Overlord Ramtusk. This is simple by just walking and using feign death once in a while when u get adds.
2. Now when you get to overlord there will be around 3-4 mobs spaced out in this area, I recommend killing them. After they are dead you will see Overlord standing in one spot with 2 bodyguards.
NOTE : Each bodyguard has a 50% chance of dropping an Armor Peircer. Armor Peircers sell for 48 silver to a vendor.
3. All you do is pull the two bodyguards away from overlord a distance, and of course it WILL pull overlord, but do not kill overlord.
NOTE : I repeat do NOT kill overlord. Kill the two bodyguards, when the two are dead, use FEIGN DEATH. Wham overlord will run back to his spot and the two bodyguards will respawn.
4. Rinse and repeat. I usually keep my ammo pouch behind, and replace it with 16 slot bag, I fill up all my bags with these peircers, *takes around an hour*, then hearth to Camp T. For alliance, hearth to Theramore I think.Making 100 gold per hour of play in World of Warcraft isn't as hard as most people may think it is, especially for hunters. There is one secret to this and that is you MUST play a hunter in order for this to work and you MUST have feign death! On a side note, if you are a hunter and don't have feign death go get it and quit being a noob. It also helps for you to already be famaliar with the RFK instance. It also helps for this WoW gold guide to be horde, but alliance can do this as well.
1.When you enter RFK you have to go all the way to Overlord Ramtusk. This is simple by just walking and using feign death once in a while when u get adds.
2. Now when you get to overlord there will be around 3-4 mobs spaced out in this area, I recommend killing them. After they are dead you will see Overlord standing in one spot with 2 bodyguards.
NOTE : Each bodyguard has a 50% chance of dropping an Armor Peircer. Armor Peircers sell for 48 silver to a vendor.
3. All you do is pull the two bodyguards away from overlord a distance, and of course it WILL pull overlord, but do not kill overlord.
NOTE : I repeat do NOT kill overlord. Kill the two bodyguards, when the two are dead, use FEIGN DEATH. Wham overlord will run back to his spot and the two bodyguards will respawn.
4. Rinse and repeat. I usually keep my ammo pouch behind, and replace it with 16 slot bag, I fill up all my bags with these peircers, *takes around an hour*, then hearth to Camp T. For alliance, hearth to Theramore I think.
Labels: WoW Gold Guides
Posted by Gamer 0 comments
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Warrior Farm WoW Gold:90 Gold in 20M
As a Warrior,you can get 90 WoW Gold in 20 Minutes.Can you believe? Watch the video below:
Labels: WoW Gold Guides
Posted by Gamer 0 comments
Saturday, August 11, 2007
400 WoW Gold in 1 Hour
Want to have more WoW Gold,So here is a video guide!
Labels: WoW Gold Guides
Posted by Gamer 0 comments
Friday, August 10, 2007
World of Warcraft:A Guide Through All Heroics
Hellfire Citadel - Hellfire Ramparts (Flamewrought Key (Honor Hold/Thrallmar revered))
Difficulty: 2/5
Basics: The main group killing mobs are the Raveners. Those raveners can one-shot your cloth, two shot your leather, and mostly equals "hurt". They often come together with wolves, and they are CC'able, to be sure to sheep or sap them. Also, when picking them up, try to disarm them - this decreases their burst by a lot. Another annoying group of mobs is the four casters with a meleeer in the middle. The casters tend to fear a lot, but only when you come close - it can be nice, depending on your group, to keep your distance. There is also a Beastmaster near the start. If he isn't killed fast, he will summon two wol;ves which will also aggro everything in their path. Be sure to kill him quickly!
- Watchkeeper Gargolmar - for many this was the first Outland boss they did. And for many, it's the first heroic boss they did. The tactics are quite simple: The Watchkeeper has two healing adds, so either CC them or kill them quickly. He also charges the person that is the farthest away from him, so don't put your healers in that spot. Overall, he isn't too hard to fight himself - it's the pull that's the problem. Be sure to clear around him first, including the patrolling Raveners that crosses the road. You don't want him to come and have fun with you.
- Omor the Unscarred - Ahh, there shineth a shiney demon. This guy has three interesting side. First of all, he only attacks with shadowbolts - no melee dps at all. This means that when your warrior, druid, or paladin doesn't suffice and is better used on other things, a mage, warlock, priest, shaman, with a little stamina gear can be used. The second thing is that he does a debuff onto people. This debuff is called Treacherous Aura, and damages people around the afflicted for a lot of damage. Because of this, try to spread out a lot - and really watch out if you're on melee; if you or the tank gets the debuff, RUN! The last thing is that he summon a lot of felhounds. These can do a mana burn which depletes your mana in two or three burns. They are spawned too fast to kill in reasonable time, so a class without mana must try to pick them up while the rest burns down the boss. If you have a warlock in the group, have him or her enslave the hounds as soon as they come - they'll die of the shadow AoE of Omor :)
- Vazruden the Herald - This guy is a tough cookie. Well, the guy isn't, but the drake is. The fight starts off by killing two orcs which aren't hard, but be sure not to waste much mana on them. After this, the dragon with the orc will land. The orc will start hammering on you on the ground, while the dragon starts firing fireballs which stay on the ground and you need to avoid. But this is not all - the dragon comes down after a given amount of time (in which you may or may not have the orc down, but please try to get him down) and melees HARD and does a load of damage which his fire breath. Because of this, kill the orc as soon as possible and grab the dragon as soon as he lands. There is an alternative if you have a lot of ranged DPS - damage the dragon a lot while he's in the air, and then when he's down, get him down fast, after which you can take care of the orc. NOTE: This boss drops no Badge of Justice.
Hellfire Citadel: Blood Furnace (Flamewrought Key (Honor Hold/Thrallmar revered))
Difficulty: 1/5
Basics: The trash around this instance isn't too particularly hard. However, there are rogues around the instance which can make your life miserable when coming at a bad time. There are two patrolling at the big stairs at the start, and on top of it is another one. There *can* be one hidden on the room after that, too. In the corridor with the orcs being made after the Maker, there is one at the very southern end of it (at the start) and one at the very north. Also, after Broggok, in the room with the patrolling warlocks and Felguards, there is another one at your right hand when you come in (the spot without mobs). There are also meleeers, specifically in Broggok's room and in the Maker's room, which can do some very nasty cleaves. Also, there are technicians who drop mines, which you shouldn't walk into because they do AOE HURTING. Pewpew! Last, but sadly not least mob of note are the felguards before Keli'dan the Breaker's room. They hit devastatingly hard, and also tend to aggro other people when they feel like it. Try to Crowd Control them as much as you can, and bring down at least one of them when you can. Otherwise, skip them by using Soulstone, DI, or battleres-walking through - this may let you have less wipes than otherwise, as the last boss is pretty easy anyway.
- The Maker - Incredibly easy, you'd forget that he is a heroic boss. The only thing of note is his Mind Control, and some poison. He hasn't got much health, doesn't do much damage, and is a nice starter for any time, any place.
- Broggok - Hah, thought you could sit back and relax in this nice little Furnace? No way, José! This boss, after switching the switch, spawns four waves of orcs. These orcs are quite hardhitting, so try to CC as much as possible. Watch out, though - the elites are usually less hard than the non-elites, so you might want to get the non-elites first. When these waves are defeated, Broggok himself comes, but he isn't too hard - just move out of the poison cloud he makes every once in a while. NOTE: Currently, this can be bugged when you stand too close to the cages when they open. Keep in the middle of the room.
- Keli'dan the Breaker - Easy guy after these hard felguards. Note that around his room, there are glowing holes with shards of something above them. If you stand in there, you get a very nice buff, so go and stand there when fighting. As for the fight, it starts off with five casters, which are quickly killed. After that, Keli'dan will break free. He hasn't got much interesting attacks except when he says "Closer.. come closer.. and BURN!" at which points he drags everyone to him and he does some very hard hitting AOE when you're not quick enough, á la Shade of Aran's Arcane Explosion.
Hellfire Citadel: Shattered Halls (Flamewrought Key (Honor Hold/Thrallmar revered))
Difficulty: 5/5 (?)
http://forums.wow-europe.com/thread.html? topicId=286941487&postId=2864970588&sid=1#15 for Dey's full walkthrough post :)
Basics: This place seems very dependant on Crowd Control, so bring quite a lot. Mobs hit hard and come back if you wipe at a point where you haven't killed them all. Also, like on normal mode, the legionnaires will summon back mobs whenever someone of their teammates are killed, so try to kill them first - although, if there are mobs that need taken care of quickly, it's better to have an easy nonelite than a hard hitting elite. You can also just AoE every group if you have enough AoE people for that, which can be an easy alternative. There are two special things about Heroic Shattered Halls: There is an added boss after the archer event, and there is a timer of 55 minutes which starts at the archer event, which, when it's over, has the Warchief Kargath killing the prisoners he has. Of course, there are quests saving them, so you might want to do that. Mobs of note are the Gladiators, which can basically one-shot ANYONE, and must thus be kited very well. Otherwise, there isn't much difference - if you've done normal mode, you should know how these work.
- Grand Warlock Nethekurse - Basically the normal-mode fight, onyl with increased numbers. The Void zones he regularly spawns hits quite hard now, and the whirlwind even harder. Try to use spellreflect or cloak of the shadows quite often, especially when he starts whirlwinding. Not very hard fight overall in comparison to the trash before him.
- Blood Guard Porung - Yes, a heroic only boss. See, it's worth the hell of orcs after all ;) This guy comes with two archers adds, which can be quickly killed or CC'd. Other than that, he does a HUGE cleave, so should be tanked against the back wall so not to hit others. Also, he spams fear quite a lot, but it has a very short duration. This is an AoE fear, but can be outranged, so keep your distance if you can. He has special drops and a heroic badge on top of it.
- Warbringer O'mrogg - "Me smash" to a literal sense. Like in normal, he tends to wipe aggro, then pick another target. In normal this is okay - he doesn't hit too hard when doing it. In Heroic this is lethal. Use all your abilities to lose aggro WHEN you get it when the tank(s) try to get it back. Mage's Ice Block, Rogue's Vanish, Paladin's Bubble.. You know the procedure. bring some limited invulnerability potions if you can't do it. He hasn't got much health, so just.. Don't die :) NOTE: He can bug after a wipe, he keeps in enrage mode. He's still beatable then, but much harder.
- Warchief Kargath - Yes, a real end-boss for this hard place. He hits a lot harder now, including 2k Blade Dance and 3.5k normal hits at times. Be sure to spread out and go full out on him - he still summons adds, but like in normal mode, it's just the sharpshooters that are really dangerous. Ergo, kill the sharpshooters and either CC of have the adds tanked. Be sure to keep spread out at all times, however.
Coilfang Reservoir - The Slave Pens (Coilfang Key (Cenarion Expedition Revered))
Difficulty: 1.5/5
Basics: Ah, Slave Pens. If Ramparts wasn't your first Heroic, then this surely was. Really, the mobs aren't that interesting in here, overall, although there are a few you should take note of. First of all, the Bogstrok (crab-looking guys) packs. These are HUMANOID, and can be sapped. They hit quite hard, but are CC'able in anyway. Often, the problem is not their abilities, but just that you get a lot of them. Second, the Defenders. There are a few packs of them around the instance, mostly in pairs, on in a pair with one or two added CC'able mobs. If they come with mobs, be sure to CC them quickly. The Defenders aren't really defenders - they're more offensive than defensive. They hit like trucks, 4-6k a hit, and needs full attention from your healers. They also have a spell reflect shield (easily seen), and aren't CC'able themselves (although you can kite them away if you wish).
- Mennu the Betrayer - Easy one. He drops totems all the time, so have one person (preferably a rogue, hunter, druid or warrior because they won't waste mana) on totem duty to kill them. Just watch out for his Fire Nova Totem. This thing explodes for a LOT of damage after a few moments, and also explodes when you kill it. So, just move away from it (that includes the tank). Other than that, an easy kill.
- Rokmar the Crackler - Not too hard, either. Has an AoE water spit which cannot be outranged reasonably, and has quite an interesting debuff - a DOT that ticks until the target is healed to full health. Rokmar always applies this to the main tank, though - be sure to get the target upto full health quickly, or the DoT will strain the healing.
- Quagmirran - First of all, try to clear the groups before him, including the big pack with two normal mobs and two defenders. There is a cage with a night elf there, who grants you a very handy buff of Nature resistance when freed. (Warning: a group of mobs will come running to you when you open the cage, so be ready). For the boss; Quagmirran pulls out a few tricks, first of which is a cleave, which is.. a cleave. It hits hard. Second is his Acid Geyser. When you enable casting bars in interface, you can see him casting it (it also looks like he's eating the ground while doing this). This shoots people within range of it, so max range here whenever you can. It can be fully spellreflected by a warrior, which helps a lot - it can take 5-10% of his HP away. Last thing is just a normal poison bolt - dispel it if you can.
Coilfang Reservoir - The Underbog (Coilfang Key (Cenarion Expedition Revered))
Difficulty: 2/5
Basics: The beginning is always the hardest. Well, that's a lie, but in here it is. There are some awkward pulls at the start, and I can't give you too much help except to banish, sheep and off tank whatever you can. Also watch out for the Underbats - they fly around swiftly, and can mess up pulls completely by grabbing you two extra packs of angry vegetables. Another dreaded pull is the pull before the first boss - this includes two Bog Lords, which both hit very hard, and are uncc'able. They're a bit like Coilfang Defenders (see Slave Pens), only hit far harder and have no reflective shield. Also, they grow over time, making their damage output higher. The trick is to just dps them down as quickly as you can. Other than that, the trash is quite average and not too hard.
- Hungarfen - It's a badger badger badger.. This guy is about MUSHROOMS. Lots and lots of mushroom. And exploding ones at that - Hungarfen keeps spawning mushroom around the place, which explode and leave a spore cloud which damages you for.. well.. too much. This means that in this fight you're constantly on the move. Move away from any growing mushrooms you see near you. Also do not walk in the spore clouds. Other than that, he has a poison aura, which a good tank/healer can go through, and another aura at around 20%-30%, which heals him for lots when anyone comes near him. Move away from him at that point and go back when he's done showing off.
- Ghaz'an - Hits hard. Also, has a volley attack from his front, and a tail sweep from his side, That means he must be facing the raid with his side. Does poison, and a lot of nature damage overall, so if you gor NR gear, equip it here.
- Swamplord Musel'ek - You can tame druids! This guy is a hunter, with hunter abilities, and a pet, which is a friendly druid really. It is a very similar fight to Illyana Ravenoak in Dire Maul West, actually - the bear charges random people, and Musel'ek attacks people with Multi-shot, Frost trap, etc. Just nuke down Musel'ek, and then Claw, the bear - at 20% or so he'll turn friendly. Not a hard fight.
- The Black Stalker - Looks like a vegetable. A lot like a vegetable. He has a levitate ability which makes people fly and fall down with damage, but remember that you can still attack and cast some spells there. He also has a chain lightning, so spread out, but his biggest manoever in Heroic are the adds - he spawns quite some adds with similar abilities to him. They die quite fast, but you probably won't ever have enough DPS to get them all down within reasonable time. That means the tank must try tograb as many adds as possible, and the dps do their very best to get him down as soon as possible.
Coilfang Reservoir - The Steamvault (Coilfang Key (Cenarion Expedition Revered))
Difficulty: 3/5
Basics: Very much like normal mode, and not the challenge you'd expect from an already level 70 instance heroic after you've done, say, Shattered Halls Heroic. However, you still have the Bog Lords to watch out for (their stomp HURTS, so watch out melee dps!). Other than that, the mobs are the same as normal mode, only that they hit a little harder. They're CC'able, but like in all heroics, not MC'able.
- Hydromancer Thespia - The boss itself isn't really dangerous, it's the adds that come with her. Do everything you can to CC them or shoo them away in any way, a warlock is a great help here, because their water bolt volley hits for 2k, and their melee can be fairly hard to (especially on cloth). If you don't have a warlock, kite one of the adds as a hunter, and if you don't have either, just burn themselves as quick as possible. The boss now summons two thunder clouds you'll want to run out of.
- Mekgineer Steamrigger - Woot for gnome bosses ;) He is the same as in normal mode, except for the fact that he spawns a gnome every so much seconds into the fight, in ADDITION to the "Tune 'em up good boys *hehe*" 3 gnome-spawn. This makes for a huge healing on the boss if you're not careful. Remember, though, that AoE stops them from healing (interrupts it) so keep Thunder Clapping/Consecrating/Frost Nova'ing them all for lesser healing. You might also want to take an AoE-killing period into the fight when there are too much gnomes.
- Warlord Kalitresh - Again, not much difference from normal mode, except that the tanks have 40% more health, so need even more burning down. Whenever he slurps up a tank, he enrages, and if he does, he hurts everyone kind of badly - so try to get those big health tanks down. However, if that doesn't work, you can always remember to kite the tank around, because he's very, very slow. This can actually work quite well whenever he's got too much enrage buffs on him, seeing as he won't hit anyone that way.
Auchindoun - Mana Tombs (Auchenai Key - Lower City Revered)
Difficulty: 4.5/5
Basics: Eep, this place is scary. For one of the earlier instances, this is actually one of the hardest. It's full of ethereal, and quite hard ethereal at that. There are quite some mobs you'll need to watch out for; first of all the Ethereal Sorcerers, which spam arcane missiles and summon little arcane elementals. At any group, try to CC and/or kill these guys first, because you don't want a wave of arcane explosion and counterspell spamming elementals your way, especially since they hit quite hard. Priests; these heal. *gasp* After you've got the sorcerers and darkcasters down, kill these. They don't heal very frequently though, don't do much damage, and can be interrupted, so they're not big a danger as healer-mobs often are. Darkcasters; can easily wipe a mana-based party. Their mana burns can take out all of your mana in two shots, so interrupt them and kill them very quickly. If the sorcerers are getting killed first, be sure to CC these in any way possible - you do NOT want these getting loose on your casters. Nexus Terror; void-walker-like mobs which have a fear, so watch where you tank them.
- Pandemonius - This guy is not funny, has no sense of humour, and annoys everyone. A lot. Seeing as he hits for about 2-4k shadow damage, and adds to that, your tank will want to grab some Shadow Resistance gear (seeing as Pandemonius does no normal melee at ALL, this way you can reduce a lot of damage). He has a few more tricks, too. His biggest is his shield - this reflects all spells, and also damages melee attackers for a lot - do not give the tank Thorns! That also means everyone has to stop attacking when he has his shield up, or you'll probably die quite soon. That includes the Main Tank, so watch out not to get aggro through healing. Second trick of his is his AOE void blast. This pushes everyone back, and does quite some damage to often everyone in the party. It can be outranged and out LoS'ed, so make use of those things. He hasn't got too much health, so if you can survive, you should be fine.
- Tavarok - The wimpiest boss of the instance in comparison to the first and last boss. Everyone who can max range on him to avoid his earthquakes. Also does his Crystal Prison which can hurt people quite badly, but can be outhealed pretty easily. The only thing you'll want tow atch out for is his earthquake on melee dps, and his Arcing Smash on the Main Tank, which can eaisly hit for 6-7k. Otherwise, a pretty easy boss, but now, prepare for..
- Nexus-Prince Shaffar - No-one in this instance has a sense of humour, really. Like in normal mode, he does mage-like tricks (frost nova, frostbolt, fireball), doesn't hit too hard himself but summons a lot of adds. Whereas in normal mode these were killable, in heroic mode you'll find them to spawn far too fast to get down in reasonable time. That means this is a maniacal first. Keep fearing the adds when you can, keep pets out so they target them, and give all your dps to the boss. The trick here s to get him down before he and the adds get you down, which is still a very hard thing to do. The tank might want to grab aggro of as much adds as possible, as neither these nor the boss hit hard - it's just that there's LOTS of them.
- Yor - Summoned by someone who has Consortium Revered/Exalted and the questchain of the Prison Keys done, this boss is located at the cell before Shaffar. He's a really easy fight - the only thing you should watch out for is his fire-breath, so tank him faced away from the group.
Auchindoun - Auchenai Crypts (Auchenai Key - Lower City Revered)
Difficulty: 3/5
Basics: Like in normal mode, one mob here isn't one mob. Every NPC will probably summon another ghostly ally, which is killed quickly but does loads of damage, MC a party member, or sheep them. That means you'll always have to focus fire on the non-elite adds first, and then go for the elite guys. Always go for the Auchenai Possessors first if they spawn - they'll mind control a party member which then eneds to be nuked down :/ Also, watch out for the Auchenai Monks, seeing as these aren't CC'able. At the elite skeletons, try to paladin-fear or priest-shackle as much as you can, and nuke them down with marks one by one. They aren't much of a problem that way. And one last note: if you fall of the bridge of souls, you're really dead ;)
- Shirrak the Dead Watcher - Mother Brain :O He has a few tricks, first of which you notice immediately - a stacking aura which increases your spell casting time by a lot. That means healers and damage casters will need to rely on instant casts (and HoTs) as much as possible. Also try to move out of the aura for a few seconds if it gets too much. He also has a Focuses Fire spell which he alerts the group of by doing an emote at the given person - that person needs to run away quickly, as Shirrak will shoot hard-hitting AoE fireballs at him. This is also the reason why you'll need to spread out. Last of his tricks is his Carnivorous Bite debuff, which is a stacking DoT for everyone in Melee range. This will hurt quite a lot after a while, so the trick here is when he does his Focus Fire - he'll stand still then, giving all melee time to move away from him and watch the debuff fade.
- Exarch Maladaar - Has a ribbon of souls spell which hurts a random person for some damage, but his main trick is stealing souls of everyone. When your soul is stolen, you get a 50% decrease on everything, and spawn an NPC which is.. the stolen soul of that person. So for example, in my case, it'd summon a gnome mage soul which casts fireballs at everyone. These souls can pull out some damage, so be sure to kill them quickly, also because the debuff fades that way. Maladaar also has an AoE fear which means he deaggroes from the tank, so keep Fear Ward or a Tremor Totem up when you got it. At around 25%, he'll summon a huge Avatar, which hurts quite hard, but get him down first quickly. If you wipe, you can run back in and take care of the Avatar, and make sure you do so - it drops part of the loot.
Auchindoun - Sethekk Halls (Auchenai Key - Lower City Revered)
Difficulty: 3/5
Basics: A lot like normal mode. Actually, there are almost no changes at all! Watch out for the Time-Lost Controller, they drop totems who can MC a random player, so kill them and their totems quickly.Mobs you'll need to watch too are the Ravenguards. These usually come in pairs, and hit very hard. They're fairly much alike the Coilfang defenders, so apply the same tactics (See Slave Pens). Lastly are the Prophets, who spawn ghosts á la Sunken Temple when they die. You can't kill those, so run away from them, as they can easily two-shot a squishy.
- Darkweaver Syth - Just like normal mode - he isn't really hard himself, but he summons adds three times throughout the fight(which can be CC'd!) which do stacking damage. In normal mode you could chain-fear the, but in heroic they just hit too hard for that. Try to kill the adds quickly first, and then go for the boss. If you got a lot of dps, you can decide to ignore the adds at the third spawn, and kill the boss quickly.
- Talon King Ikiss - Patch 2.1: Talon King Ikiss on Heroic difficulty has been significantly reworked. He now has a point blank area of effect slow spell, increased damage on the Arcane volley , increased damage on the 'Arcane Explosion', and reduced the frequency on his 'Polymorph'. Basically, however, move behind the four pillars around his room when he blinks (he'll do Arcane Explosion after), and dispel the sheep. Since the patch, it's the easiest way to all go behind one pillar, as that means the tank can grab aggro the fastest :)
- Anzu - Summoned by a druid who has done the epic flightform line, this guy is an interesting fight, albeit not very hard. First thing he has is three little friendly owl around the room. These are usually asleep, but when you do a HoT on them they will activate. The Hawk gives an aura that reduces all party members physical damage taken by 500. The Eagle gives an aura that deals 500 dps to all enemies in the room. The Falcon gives an aura granting all party members 15% haste (movement, attack, casting).
So use them as well as possible. Second of all he has a charge, which charges the second on aggro - just keep the person (and you'll quickly notice who it is) at full health if possible. As last thing he banishes himself at 66% and 33%, and summons loads and loads of non-elite birds. Just AoE them, they aren't very hard or dangerous at all. If you die, be sure to run back (if he's got much health left), seeing as you can easily engage him if you've done the last boss and opened the shortcut.
Auchindoun - Shadow Labyrinth (Auchenai Key - Lower City Revered)
Difficulty: 4.5/5
Basics: Annoying trash. And it takes very, very long. If you're going Heroic Shadow Labyrinth and want to complete it in one sitting, prepare for at least 3 hours of dungeoneering. The trash isn't very much different from normal, although it of course hits harder. It's nice to bring some CC, as that limits the amount of mobs you get. Watch out, however - the Cabal Ritualists in here dispel most kinds of CC on their team, so either CC one far away from the other(s), bring an affliction warlock with UA to totally switch them off, or don't bother. Also, the single-mobs are the hardest - especially the fel overseers are a great danger to your party, as they still wipe aggro with their fear and now has a mortal strike that hits for around 6-8k. The best way to deal with them is to all stay close to him, so that the whole party gets feared. This sounds weird, but that means he won't wipe aggro and go to the non-feared person, instead still hitting ont the tank. Another thing is the Malicious Instructors. They still aren't very hard, but now Disarm the main tank, so be sure to put on some good gloves.
- Ambassador Hellmaw - This guy has become a timed encounter. If you don't kill him within 3 minutes, he enrages and one-shot all of your merry band. Other than that he's pretty much the same as in normal mode, so if you've got a Dwarven or Draenei priest or a shaman, put some fear warding stuff on the tank. Be sure to bring quite some dps - the enraging timer is quite severe. If you can't handle it, you can skip him if you wish :)
- Blackheart the Inciter - TIME FOR FUN! Again, not very different from normal, although he now hits for 5-7k, which is.. a bit sucky :p When he does his group MC, try to have a freezing trap below the healer, a warlock to have a succubus with seduce on, a mage to Ice Block quickly before, etc, to preserve mana and your good health. Be sure to let the tank reestablish his aggro on Blackheart after the MC, or your healer will meet some smashes. Hard smashes.
- Grandmaster Vorpil - Voidwalkers! They're everywhere! Again, as in normal, try to use the same kind of tactics. I myself love the kiting tactic (kiting him avoiding the voidwalkers fromt he north to the south and vice versa after a teleport), but use whatever you like best. The big difference is that Vorpil will now also banish players, and when they are, they won't be teleported. You can grab the oppotunity to heal with ease or kill some voidwalkers :)
- Murmur - Murmurmurmurmur. Grand Master Trumpettist is here for you to kill - and he's more annoying than ever! We all heard about sonic boom, right? Ah, whatever, I'm ranged dps/healer, I stand outside that circle anyway, don't have to care about that. Too bad! Murmur now does in all the time he DOESN'T do Sonic Boom a damage ability who hits everyone OUTSIDE the circle. Fun, eh? That means that in Heroic Murmurmurmur mode, you'll need to constantly run in and out of the circle. Also watch your exploding Touch of Murmur - be sure not to stand near anyone when you do your little kaplooie.
Tempest Keep - The Mechanar (Warpforged Key - Sha'tar Revered)
Difficulty: 1.5/5
Basics: Urgh. The most-run heroic ever, and I've been asked so much times to run it. Crazy it makes me! Crazy I tell you! Well, it hasn't differed much from normal - mobs are CC'able for the most part, mobs have the exact same abilities, nothing special. You'll still need to interrupt or avoid the robot's charge when he has it, and will still have fun with bombing minidemons. That's all, really. Have fun and semi-free badges ;)
- Gatewatcher Gyro-Kill - Spread out a little at this guy. He does a sawblade effect in a cone in a direction, which sends damage to a player plus a DoT. He also gains Shadow Power every once in a while, so watch the healing.
- Gatewatcher Iron-Hand - Frontal poison, don't go into it. Other than that, he stands still and emotes every once in a while, which is a sign to RUN AWAY because he's going to smash everyone close to him. Has Shadow Power, too, so watch that.
- Mechano-Lord Capacitus - Totally different from normal mode, which is a good thing. Now, the mines still appear and he still has his shield, but he has an interesting trick - everyone gets a + or a - debuff. Players who've done Thaddius at Naxxramas will remember this - if the + players stand together, they get a damage buff, and the same counts for the - players. However, when a + and a - stand at each other, they both die soon. That means you'll need to watch your own and the other's debuffs. Have fun with 12k hits, as the damage buff stacks :)
- Nethermancer Sepethrea - Arguably the hardest boss in here. She now spawns 3 elementals instead of 2, which makes it hard to hold aggro as a tank, especially considering that if you fight her in her room, this will be chaos. She also does a Dragon's Breath which can make the elementals catch up with you and kill you. You can fight the fight in her room and have chaos, but you can consider to kill the last boss first, then kite the elementals by one person to where the last boss was and back - to do this, let one person aggro her and run into the corridor, while the tank and the rest of the group, who have been standing in the corridor to prevent aggro, quickly grab the boss. This way, the elementals will just follow the first person.
- Panthaleon the Calculator - Will now cast an Arcane Explosion every 10 seconds, 2 seconds casting time, which can be interrupted, but stay at a range if you can. The adds are much harder now, you can fear and kill them, but you can also dps the boss down to 20% - they will actually despawn then! Also watch out for his little Mind Control - be ready to CC and dispel after, or have the MC'd be tanked.
Tempest Keep - The Botanica (Warpforged Key - Sha'tar Revered)
Difficulty: 2.5/5
Basics: Your basic heroic. Not too hard, not too easy either, and with a dedicated and good group you should be fine. The Tempest Peacekeepers have been nerfed in 2.1, and shouldn't cause any problems now. At the falcons and their keepers, CC or kill the keepers first, seeing as they like to direct the falcons to one specific person, which is ouchie. After Thorngrin, kill or CC the Gene-Splicers soon, seeing as they do a ranged AoE Death and Decay which hurts a lot in Heroic mode.
- Commander Sarannis - Hits harder. That's kind of it. Still dispel the debuff if you can. Other than that, she's the same as normal, except that she now doesn't summon adds at a percentage, but at a timer - and will keep spawning these (however, with enough DPS, you should not or see the adds only once). These adds are one Mender and three normal adds, so throw a fear onto them or CC them, and kill them frst after which you can go for Sarannis again. Also remember that she doesn't have "normal" melee attacks, just Arcane Damage-melee. So get some AR on if you can :-)
- High Botanist Freywinn - Strangely, I noticed no difference at all from normal at him o.O If anyone noticed anything, please tell.
EDIT: It seems that the difference is that the adds now cast a snare together with their old abilities. Stay closer to the glass barrier :)
- Thorngrin the Tender - Ooh, fun! Ah wait, no, I lie. His flame AOE around him now hits for around 2.5k, which is kinda.. hurtful. The trick here is that while he deaggroes after sacrfice, you can make him funnily walk around when you stand up the ledge behind him. Ah, and melee - I'm sorry, but you'll have to go ranged. *If you want, you can skip this guy, so if he's too hard, you're just missign one badge :)
- Laj - No noticably changes from normal mode again - just keep two dps assigned to the two plant-spawning pedestals (to dps the flower as they come) and nuke this guy down.
- Warp Splinter - This guy has a little trick. His arcane volley is mathematical - it's the amount of enemies (to the Splinter) minus 4. That means you do NOT want to have pets or even totems (!) out, because the volley is no longer to one way and hits everyone fairly jhard if there are a lot - however, with just 5 enemies for him, only the MT will get hurt. If you really want to totems or pets, just go stand underneath him - although you will get hit by the stomp this way (it hurts much less than the volley, however). Depending on dps, you can burn down the adds or ignore them, whatever works best for you.
Tempest Keep - The Arcatraz (Warpforged Key - Sha'tar Revered)
Difficulty: 3.5/5
Basics: Stuff hits for lots. That's the basics of the Arcatraz. Basically, all the mobs in the instance are exactly the same as normal mode, only hit 3 times harder. Oh, and the Death Watchers one shot you if you run out of time ;) The small worms that come now give an armor debuff, so get them off the tank, as it stacks very fast. Also, enjoy the non-double Sentinel pulls :D
- Zereketh the Unbound - Basically, skip him. He's a dork and doesn't drop improved loot. The void zones can be avoided by pulling a lot of totems and pets around the room, as he then will waste the zones on them. Bring a lot of Shadow Resistance gear, seeing as even his melee is Shadow (á la Pandemonius) and remember than the mage Slow spell works on him - can be quite shiney if you want to kite him :)
- Dalilah the Doomsayer - Still quite easy. Interrupt her heals after moving out of whirlwind, don't heal too much when the MT has the debuff (or let an offtank grab her). She's got one added ability, though - Shadowwave, which hits for 2.5k on a random target, and leaves a debuff making the Waves hit 50% harder next time.
- Wrath-Scryer Soccothrates - Actually EASIER on Heroic. After he does his knockback, he stands still and then charges someone.. Oh wait, the place where someone WAS. So keep moving around and this boss is really easy.
- Harbringer Skyriss - Everything hits harder (that includes Millhouse Manastorm). The adds before him aren't any different except for that, and be sure to keep your gnomish friend alive, because he does quite some damage in the end, and can survive Mind Rends with ease (plus you'll want him alive to finish the Trial of the Naaru). Heck, be sure to keep gnomes alive at ALL times ;P Skyriss' biggest problem is his Mind Rend (again) so put up snake traps, totems, pets, etc., so he goes mad on one of them instead of you - especially Fire Elemental totems work well, seeing as they're immune to the Mind Rend, and seeing him rending snakes is quite cool as well. Be sure to mark the original Skyriss, so you can see what the copies are, and have fun with entering Kael'thas' lair.
Caverns of Time - Old Hillsbrad Foothills (Key of Time - Keepers of Time Revered)
Difficulty: 3/5 to 4.5/5 depending on group setup.
Basics: Basically, bring a rogue. Just do it. First of all, the last boss drops a lot of shiney rogue loot, and anyone who's been here without will be screaming "Oh no it's the patroooll!" in his or her sleep and then fall down on the pillow, unconcious. Seeing as you need to place the bombs in the keep, and the patrols that are walking around summon two non-CCable elites while not CCable themselves - and they hit HARD - and spawn within 5 minutes again - you will want a rogue to do this solo. Have the group leader mark all the patrols so you can easily see them coming, even through walls. Then, have the rogue put down all the bombs while the group enjoys Hillsbrad FM; afterwards, all the scary patrols will despawn and the groups that were in the houses go outside, and will thus make for easy pulling of them and Lieutenant Drake. If you haven't got a rogue, be really careful with the groups, pull them to a safe spot where you kill them - folks here hit harder than you may think, but the mobs are kitable and CCable, so do it. After Lieutenant Drake, and when you get to Thrall, be sure to let Thrall tank one or two mobs, as he can take quite a few hits. Be sure to CC the Mages as good as you can, seeing as otherwise they will CC you ;) After Skarloc, and when you enter Tarren Mill, be sure to stay outside the barn, as fighting inside it can be horribly annoying.
- Lieutenant Drake - From a pushover in normal to one of the hardest bosses around. He has all of his funky normal tricks - Whirlwind (which now twoshots about everyone), Exploding Shot (which hurts as much as his melee), Fear (deaggroing), Mortal Strike (Ouch) and Hamstring (strangely, also very ouch). What you do NOT want is a Mortal Strike + Hamstring + Whirlwind on the tank. This can happen, and basically means a wipe. Other than that, be sure to keep Fear Ward and/or Tremor Totems up near the MT, as the fear he does periodically deaggroes him. Also be sure to run away from him when he does his Whirlwind, and be sure to have a well-geared tank, seeing as this guy hits incredibly hard - but it's melee damage, so mitigated by armour. What you can do is tank him down the stairs, while the non-melee part of the group stays upstairs - that way you can jump down when the MT loses aggro.
- Captain Skarloc - The easiest in here, and you get Thrall to help you. Nuke the two adds down first, and after that go for the boss. He has an AoE around him, which the ranged part of the group should stay out of. He heals, although interruptable, and doesn't hit too hard (Well, after having met Drake nothing hits really hard :p). You can, if three mobs is a bit much for your tank, have Thrall tank Skarloc for a bit - just be sure to heal him every once in a while.
- Epoch Hunter - http://forums.wow-europe.com/thread.html? topicId=286941487&postId=2865481677&sid=1#34 (Dey's detailed guide) Also a tough boss. His biggest problem, á la Broggok, is the waves before him, not the actual boss. He spawns three waves, consisting of two times two melee dragons and a caster, and then two casters and two meleers or three meleeers and a caster. Remember that druids can hibernate one dragon. Burn the caster down first, as he puts on bad, bad undispellable debuffs one everyone, after which you quickly go for the meleeers. An off-tank helps a lot here, but also remember that you got your own private offtank already - Thrall. Let him tank one (preferably not two, as even he goes down sometime), and focus ont he others. Epoch Hunter himself just hits hard, and still has his little knockback, so be sure to tank him against one of the houses, and not faced to the group to avoid his Sand Breath.
Caverns of Time - Black Morass (Key of Time - Keepers of Time Revered)
Difficulty: 4/5
Basics: Good dps helps a lot here. Also, the little adds now hit like trucks, so a dps warrior is very good here - they can take a few hits and do quite some damage. Wise using of beacons helps a lot here - don't waste any before downing the first boss, although you might want to use one or two between the first and the second boss, but it's prefered to keep them all, so you can use a beacon on every single wave after the second boss. Other than that, fairly similar to normal, just with bosses and mobs with more hp and hitting harder.
- Chrono Lord Deja - He is now more similar to Keli'dan the Breaker than anything else - he pulls everyone to himself, and then cast an explosion spell. Just run out, you've got enough time. He also still spams his Arcane Discharge, which should just be healed through.
- Temporus - Annoying. Á la Kurinaxx, he does a debuff which stacks and gives the MT 10% less healing, so if you can, have an offtank on him. He also does a selfbuff which increases his speed by a lot, but it is a magic buff, so spellsteal, purge or dispel it. In Heroic, he also has a spellreflecting shield, which is fairly clear... So, don't cast any spells then! :p If you haven't got two tanks, have the tank Intervene or Feral Charge to far-away party members when Temporus hasn't got the haste selfbuff, and wait for the debuff to disappear.
Labels: WoW General Guide
Posted by Gamer 0 comments
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Farming motes on elemental plateau - level 70
So the Burning Crusade has been out for a solid four months now, and Tyr?s Hand is virtually deserted. Have you wondered where exactly it is all the gold farmers have been hanging out?
Well they?ve been frolicking around the Elemental Plateau in northern Nagrand, of course! Located just a quick flight above the Throne of Elements, there are Water, Air, Earth and Fire elementals all bundled together. They respawn fairly quick and all enjoy the same obscenely high mote drop rates.
So did I mention it?s heavily farmed? Depending on the time of day, this place can start to remind you of the area in front of the bank in Ironforge. The drop rates for motes from these mobs were also nerfed a little while back. But even with those two strikes, it?s still one of the fastest places to collect motes. And if you didn?t know, the primals these motes combine to form (it takes 10 motes to make one primal) are still worth uberloads of WoW gold at the auction house.
And given that you can easily pull mobs which still have decent drop rates (an 18% drop rate is not bad - not as good as 30%, but still worth your time) and you are even given a nearby graveyard ? it?s almost as if Blizzard designed the Elemental Plateau as a Gold Farmer?s Heaven.
Also, in the water in this area there are six spawn points for Pure Water Pools. But your fishing better be pretty high (as in 375+) to take advantage of that.
If you think this is a good spot to make WoW gold, try Valkor?s Gold-Making Guide. He has loads of other great farming spots, including a bunch that aren?t already overcrowded like Elemental Plateau!
Labels: WoW Gold Guides
Posted by Gamer 0 comments
WoW Gold guide: mote of life farming in zangarmarsh - levels 62+
The best zone to farm Motes of Life is by far from the mobs in Zangarmarsh (Wowhead WowWiki) in the Outland. But did you know there is a semi-secret way for some players to farm way more?
Here you have Withered Giants, Infested Root Walkers and Fungal Giants, among others. All of these have a slightly higher than 18% drop rate for motes of life, are not the hardest mobs to kill and can be farmed for extra herbs by herbalists.
Did you know there is a special device Engineers can use to farm Motes of Life, however?
The Zapthrottle Extractor allows you to collect Motes of Life from the random mote clouds in Zangarmarsh. To make an extractor you need an Engineering skill of 305 and the Schematic: Zapthrottle Mote Extractor plans which you receive as a quest reward as either Horde or Alliance.
Labels: WoW Gold Guides
Posted by Gamer 0 comments
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Information About the Death Knight
Blizzard wanted to get this information out about the Death Knight, check it out...
There are a lot of things still being worked out with the Death Knight class such as specific spell abilities. Unlike a traditional caster type however, a Death Knight's spell power comes from runes that are etched into their blade. Think Warcraft III when you think about the possibilities of abilities for the Death Knight. I say possibilities because things are still in process for the development of the class and there will be (of course) a lot of testing for balance done. Given that this is our first Hero class we're unveiling, you can be sure we're going for the coolest of the cool for this class.
Runes and Mana pool
The runes they inscribe on their weapons are their mana pool (of a sort). As they use their abilities, the runes will be exhausted. After a period of time the runes will refresh. So, they don't have a traditional type of mana pool. You'll most likely see some screenshots of it, but the Death Knight (at current) has three different types of runes that they can inscribe on their weapon: Blood, Frost, and Unholy. Runes can only be inscribed out of combat ( all of this is subject to change as development continues.)
The rune types don't dictate a new damage type, they're simply a resource that spells and abilities will use when you activate them. The spells and abilities won't necessarily be "blood, unholy, or frost" damage.
Imagine it being three different energy pools which you can change the size of before you get into combat.
About weapons
There's no final decision or announcement on how multiple weapons would be etched, or how weapon switching may affect the etched runes. What has been discussed to some degree is that the main-hand weapon would be etched and that's it, but it's too early to say what would be allowed in the final game.
Which level?
Also, we haven't decided on what level you will start as your Death Knight, but it seems that it should be easy enough for someone who has levelled a character to level 80 and done the quest to be able to adapt to a Death Knight fairly well. It's not quite the same as handing it over to someone who is still learning the game. There are lots of opportunities for someone to solo and group to learn how to play the class.
Which race?
It's true that the current plan has been heavily discussed to go ahead with all races, but no final decision has been made. After talking to Chris he wasn't totally sold on the idea. Both are technically correct in that the current plan of some of the developers is to go ahead with all races, there's been no final decision made and no real work has progressed to force a decision just yet. The FAQ is more accurate at this time, in my opinion.
Lore-wise there's really no reason why a specific race couldn't become a Death Knight.
All races can be challenged mentally and physically, their will dulled, and be cast down into madness ... and darkness. Their souls drawn into the runeblade they wield.
Compared to other classes
They are not planned to be more powerful, them being a hero class simply means they're introduced at a higher level, and in general will reference the more powerful hero types of Warcraft history.
It's our intention to integrate them into the current classes, balance them appropriately, and have them provide an additional - but equal - role in groups and raids as compared to other classes.
Will there be other hero classes?
Yeah, well that kind figures in to the new definition of what a hero class is. It allows us to add new classes that start at higher levels, keeping players relatively kept up as we continue to release expansions and raise the level cap, and ultimately it really fits to use the heroes from past Warcraft games as inspiration. Some other hero classes could definitely be things like Demon Hunter, Blademaster, etc.
Labels: World of Warcraft News
Posted by Gamer 0 comments
Sunday, August 05, 2007
WoW: Wrath of the Lich King Screenshots!










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Posted by Gamer 0 comments
World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King Officially Announced!
Blizzard is proud to officially announce the next World of Warcraft expansion set, World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King! With the opening of the Dark Portal, and the renewed war to stop the Burning Crusade's destruction of worlds, the heroes of Azeroth have given little thought to the frozen wastes of Northrend ? and the terrible, ancient powers that wait there. Yet the brooding evils of the fallen Nerubian empire and their malevolent sovereign have not forgotten Azeroth...
World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King™ will open the forbidding wasteland of Northrend to exploration by the hardiest adventurers. New levels of power, challenging new dungeons and encounters, an exciting new character profession, and the game's first hero class are just some of the new features awaiting players in Wrath of the Lich King.
For more information, make sure to read the official press release and then check out our new expansion site for screenshots, concept art, the new expansion's announcement trailer, and much, much more!
Also, be sure to check out the official trailer of World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King!
Labels: World of Warcraft News
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