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Saturday, August 25, 2007

Make 1000 WoW Gold in 2 Hours

Strapped for cash? need to buy epic flying mount? Want to make 1000g in 2 hours?

Nagrand - Elemental Plateau (67,23)

Wind Elementals = Drop 1-2 motes of air, 10x combines to 1 Primal Air = ~20g per
Fire Elementals = Drop 1-2 motes of fire, 10x combines to 1 Primal Fire = ~25g per
Water Elementals = Drop 1-2 motes of water, 10x combines to 1 Primal Water = ~20g per

2 hours of farming yielded 978g

Nagrand - Lake South of Throne of Elements (58,26) under the water

Water Elementals = Drop 1-2 motes of water, 10x combines to 1 Primal Water = ~20g per

Netherstorm - Ruins of Enkaat (34,57) north of area 52

Mana Wraiths = Drop 1-2 motes of mana, 10x combines to 1 Primal Mana = ~15g per
Rock Elementals = drop 1-2 motes of earth, 10x combines to 1 Primal Earth = ~10g per

1 hour of farming yeilded 500g

Shadowmoon Valley - The Hand of Gul'dan (47,45)

Fire Elementals = Drop 1-2 motes of fire, 10x combines to 1 Primal Fire = ~25g per
Rock Elementals = drop 1-2 motes of earth, 10x combines to 1 Primal Earth = ~10g per

2 hours of farming yeilded 840 WoW Gold! :)

