Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
World of Warcraft Gets New Payment Option
PaymentOne announced that it has signed an agreement with Blizzard to deploy its PhoneBill payment option in World of Warcraft, giving players a simple and safe option to charge subscription fees to their local phone or broadband bill without needing to use a credit card.
As part of the agreement with PaymentOne, Blizzard will deploy PaymentOne\'s flagship PhoneBill payment option in itsMMORPG World of Warcraft. PhoneBill will give Blizzard\'s players a simple and safe option to charge subscription fees to their local phone or broadband bill without needing to use a credit card.
\"It\'s important to us to provide a high-quality experience for World of Warcraft players in all aspects of the game, including payment services,\" said Paul Sams, chief operating officer of Blizzard Entertainment. \"By partnering with PaymentOne, we\'ll be able to offer our players an additional secure and convenient service for managing their subscriptions.\"
\"Consumers are taking advantage of a broader array of new information, gaming and entertainment services, but at the same time are demanding more safety and convenience when they transact,\" said Brad Singer, Executive Vice President of PaymentOne. \"With online gaming and MMORPGs rapidly expanding into a multi-billion dollar market, we are seeing tremendous demand from these new services. We are pleased to be working with Blizzard Entertainment, a proven global leader and visionary in the market.\"
Labels: World of Warcraft News
Posted by Gamer 0 comments
World of Warcraft Gold Making Guide
I'll start of with the basics.
You'll want to get Skinning and Mining as your main professions. I would have stated fishing before they nerfed it, and it's still semi-viable...But not anywhere near as good as it used to be.
Skinning Skinning, the only way to powerlevel is just killing mobs and skinning them. I picked it up from the beginning, so I can't say how long this will take.
Sell your stuff on the AH. It will sell. Set a buyout. If there is still time to go before prime-time on the server ends, set the listing time to long. If it's almost over, go ahead and splurge on Very Long.
Mining. THIS is a world of warcraft gold maker, and I'm sure some people are going to bitch about me revealing one of the very good mithril spots, but here we go:
I took this up at 30, and spent around 6 hours powerleveling it up to 230. As per usual, sell the stuff on the AH in smelted stacks. BUYOUT is your friend. It is the BEST thing you can do.
For getting through the copper levels, Durotar is your friend. Sorry about this for you alliance guys, but for copper and tin, you're out of luck for my advice.
The stuff is everywhere. I did a sort of lazy figure eight around the canyon right before Ogrimmar. Took me about 45 minutes to get up to tin level.
Tin is a bitch. The Barrens had the easiest route to go on, but it took a long time compaired to the other levels. Near Ashenvale there is a place with some harpies that has a fairly good tin spawn rate. From there, stick to that wall, and go south. There are spawns along that, but your goal is South Barrens. Go in circles around the Scorpid and Bristleback and Razormane areas. After a while of this, you should eventually get up to what's need.
Note: When selling on the AH, it isn't always the best idea to just smelt copper and tin into bronze, or visa versa. Check the going prices, and figure out if selling the bases or the product will sell for more. I've seen Tin going for 70s a stack and copper for 40s, while bronze was only going for 50s a stack. You lose 10s when you sell bronze.
Iron is easy, but a bit time consuming. The easiest route to just go around over and over again in is in the Shimmering Flats area of 1000 Needles. A little dangerous for alliance people, but it's still a nice round circuit. Go around the edges, and there are spawns. It also spawns veins in the middle of the little lake south of the racetrack.
Mithril is your world of warcraft gold maker. Engineering and Blacksmithing both need massive quantities of the stuff, and it sells fast, and for a fairly high price. One word: Tanaris. You could travel around the whole thing, but I've found it much easier to start at Gadgetzan, and cut across the desert to the start of the bug area, checking all of the little rock outcroppings on the way.
This place is dangerous, and I even die some at 45+, but there are alot of spawns here. Travel along the edge, and then back along the outter boundry of it, and then continue on circling the map. There are alot of spawns in here, and their value shows in the defense the mobs put up. I'm not going to lie to you, it'll be hard to live consistantly here without a mount or travel form. Thistleshrub valley also has a few, and then another bug area on the edge of Un'Goro crater. There are also one or two by Zul'Farrak and the area close to Gadgetzan. They don't spawn as often as the others do, though.
As for Thorium... You'll see some in Tanaris, one spawn in Thistleshrub, and another by the level 54-61 elite dragons at the Caverns of Time... But if you want to find reliable spawns, you'll have to ask someone else. I don't know of any that aren't impossible to get to until 50+.
Item Drops Now, those are just tradeskills, but there are some good mobs that drop quality loot as well.
Of course, there are humanoids. They're also some of the best grinding. They drop money, and probably have the highest chance of good world drops as well.
However, in the 30 range, there are some very good things to do: In Stranglethorn Vale, at Lake Nefwhatever, there are the Goblin Meteorologists. They drop broken electrolanters, which vendor for about 15s each. It's about a 1/10 drop, but they are humanoids, so have good world drops anyway. They're level 34- 36 or so, but are casters, so have low HP and low def, though they do do more damage than regular mobs in burst amounts.
Another favorite of mine is the Elder Mistvale Gorrilas. They don't have high def or HP, and are right next to BB. It is a bit of an opening to ganking, but they drop their whiskers or whatever often. I don't remember the name, but it's something like that. They stacks up to 10, and the stacks go for 66s or so to vendors. They also drop fangs, and have a nice selection of world drops. You can skin them consistantly for heavy and thick leather as well.
After that, there are some more goblins in the area by the Crystal mine or whatever, and they're about the same level range as the gorillas, but whenever I go there, I get adds from hell, so you'll probably want to be a level or two higher than you would be for the gorillas. Basicly the same as the other goblins, but they drop the electrolanterns more frequently, as well as mageweave. World drop rate is also a bit better, and I've gotten an epic of three off of them.
Another good spot in the ~40 level range is the Wastewander Bandits in Tanaris. They drop *alot* of mageweave, 1-3s, and alot of Scorpid patterns. I vendor them, as there isn't a high demand on my server, but you may have luck on the AH. They have *Very* low HP and def. They're also pretty good grinding mobs.
They're along the west wall from Gadgetzan to Steamwheedle in some ruins. East of there are some more of the same level, and further than that, higher level ones.
Through a cave near the ones to the east there are some pirates, which have the same rules as the Wastewander guys I was describing. They're about level 43-45.
Grinding for world of warcraft gold rules of thumb
There are mobs like this spread throughout the game at all levels. I can't remember all of the specifics before 35, and I haven't gotten to 50+, so you'll have to find them for yourself.
However, there are some general rules you should go by when you see mobs: If they die easy, they're worth grinding. If they drop money, they're worth grinding. If they have good stackable vendor fodder, they're worth grinding. If they have good world drops, they're worth grinding.
If they're hard to kill, but follow the other rules : Don't waste your time. I've seen so many level 38s or so trying to do the higher level gobs in STV getting killed over and over again.
Factor the risk to reward ratio. I hate to be so general, but without experience at all places, it's all I can be. If you have any good spots, list them in your replies.
I'm hoping crafting tradeskills will be profittable in the future, but at current, they don't make enough money to be worth writting about. The materials used sell for much more than the finished project.
User Contributions Section: Nekojin wrote: There are some places in the game where you can just skin corpses over and over without ever having to kill anything yourself. One of the best places for this on the Alliance side is in Elwynn Forest, the starter zone for Humans. All three of the farms in this zone are literally crawling with boars, and most people who go to the farms for quests will butcher a few pigs on their way through. As a result, there's almost always boar corpses on the ground, abandoned and waiting to be skinned by some enterprising young Alliance player. Your mileage may vary, depending on your server population.
Warchief SeomanP wrote: Barrens and Mulgore. I've found alot of corpses just laying around waiting to be skinned. I have a feeling this is true in any starting zone.
Nonlinear Esquire wrote: I found some decent tin and sometimes a silver, sometimes, vein under the water in the barren oasis areas and by the thorns that the quillboar camp out at, most notably the quillboars near the south. Usually one tin and one or two copper. There is a mod out there that will remember all of your mining spots and pop them on the map, pushing them to the the edge of the map if they are out of range.
The Honorable lhuffman wrote: I have a little tip for decent money making in the late 20s early 30s for horde members...though Alliance can do it too.
I was at Tarren Mill and I picked up all of my quests. One was to kill the grey bears for their tongues, another to kill the cats around there for a claw. I am a skinner and I also had just trained a new pet. These quests were just what I needed.
While killing these guys, I noticed that their drops were selling really good compared to what I had been getting previously. I would run out and kill until my inventory was full. I got good skins and good drops plus a few of each quest item. I found I was actually happy when I filled up, because I was selling and getting good money after selling. And you can kill tons of these within a minute or two travel time of Tarren Mill, so selling was easy to do.
The bears dropped paws, rotting carcasses, big bear meat and gall bladders. The gall bladders were the best, but they all stacked and sold well compared to all previous zones I had been hunting in. Again, I cannot stress the amount of leather I got.
As I completed the quests, I was handed quests to kill humans and others in outlying areas...but travelling to and from took me through large numbers of these bears and cats (the spiders were ok, but the bears were the best for drops and the cats and bears both provided good skins). I would run to the quest location, complete the quest and then on the way back, kill and skin bears until my slots were full. Go in and sell, turn in quests, get new ones, rinse and repeat.
Now, mind you, this really was not like grinding. I was doing this mingled with quests. I would even leave the area when it got old, do another quest then fly back in and resume. And the money is not extraordinary...just very good compared to what I had been getting. Allowed me to get plenty of cash to cover ability purchases, and have a good buffer to know I was not butt-ass poor. hehe.
Eruntalon the Silent wrote: For skinners on the Alliance side in the mid 20s or higher a prime area to go to is The Wetlands. Go to the Excavation Site. There are a number of quests here that require people to kill multiple Raptors. A very easy place to just walk around and skin everything in site. Due to the level of some of the Raptors, it is possible to get Heavy Leather there as well. It is also a very small area, so there's not a lot of running around required.
Labels: WoW Gold Guides
Posted by Gamer 1 comments
World of Warcraft Copper Mining Tip
This is a simple tip on how to make money at low level. Would be easier if you were an Orc or Troll because of their starting location. Orcs and Troll starts in durotar, for other races you will need to travel a bit further but it should all work pretty well.
You will need to become a Journeyman miner and purchase a mining pick to begin. Durotar has the highest number of copper veins so would be the most ideal place. Once you've collected a good amount of copper ore, return to the forge and smelt them. Once your copper ore is turned in bars, follow the path from Razor Hill north to Ogrimmar and then head to the auction house. Talk to one of the auctioneers and set price to 40 silver for buyout and make the price 45-
60 silver per 20 copper bars. I've seen stacks of copper bars go for 4g but avg seems more around 80s-1g. Be sure to check the prices in the AH first before listing. This is an ideal way to make money at low level. Below is a map of Durotar.
Labels: WoW Gold Guides
Posted by Gamer 0 comments
Monday, October 29, 2007
Using The Auction House To Create Cheap Gold
There are multiple ways to create "cheap" gold at the auction house but due to time i'm only going to share one way in this guide. Keep in mind that I will be adding more guides later and more auction house guides also. I call it "cheap" gold because you do not have to spend real money to get this gold! I guess I should call it FREE gold instead.
Buy low, sell high! You always hear that but how do you use that to your advantage? That's what this world of warcraft gold guide is all about.
First thing you MUST do is download/install the auctioneer addon. This addon will save you tons of time in the future as it will help you find items that are selling way below actual prices. This is by far the best addon I have ever seen. (Probably because I spend 90% of the time in game at the auction house!)
Once you have auctioneer installed you will want to just scan the auction house a lot for about a week to get accurate values on items. By a lot I mean no more than 3 times a day. Try to do morning, afternoon, and then again in the evening. What's that you say? You have to work? Well, you do not want to scan less than once per day. I find myself only scanning 2 times a day because I don't have a whole lot of free time anymore to play.
Now that you have at least a week worth of data you can start finding things to buy for pennies while you sell them for gold!
There is a function in auctioneer that will tell you what items are selling for way cheap and you can even specify for it to show items that will make you 5-10 gold if you want. Probably one of the BEST features of the auctioneer addon! Once you do that you will also want to do a manual search on the auction house to double check prices and make sure that the price wasn't dropped because of that item being flooded on the auction house.
You will also want to check to make sure how many times the item has been listed on the auction house since you started scanning, just to make sure someone originally didn't jack up the price when it shouldn't have been. On a side note, this will not be the case too much after you have scanned the auction house everyday for a month or so.
Now that you found an item and bought it you are going to relist it! There are some simple rules to follow when listing items on the auction house. First, you ALWAYS want to list items for 24 hours any less time and you are wasting money. Second, ALWAYS set a buy out price on items. Think of it this way, when you found an item you want for your character on the auction house and the item doesn't have a buy out price, what do you do? If you are like 99% of the players online you want it NOW! If you can't have it now you look somewhere else. Am I right? Third, ALWAYS set your buy out price just a little lower than the competition. We want to sell the item as soon as possible and we don't want to have to relist it unless it is a very high ticket item.
Labels: WoW Gold Guides
Posted by Gamer 0 comments
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Turtle Skinning for Gold - Levels 35-40
Just wanted to write the way I made easy cash and got my mount plus all my skills and 3-14 slot bags atlvl 40. First of all this works best if you have skinning at least and with leatherworking up to master lvlyou are going to profit big. Once you hit lvl 35 go to Menethil Harbor and take the boat to Theramore.
From there grab the flight path for later use if you don't have it already then simply leave the front gateand make a right turn and proceed to grind on the lvl 36-38 turtles that you will find along the beach. Youcan make 3-5 gold just on the green items, gems and speckled shell frags that they drop per hour. TheSpeckled Shell frags sell for 45 silver per stack of 5 and they drop frequently. Now if your skinning is high(mine had been maxed out since mid 20's) and you have master leatherworking so you can make TurtleScale Helmets and other turtle scale items that is where you will rake it in. On my server (Boulderfist PVP)a turtle scale helm will buyout at 4 gold easily. The scales are alot easier to come by than most otherscales I have tried to skin for in the game. The turtles also skin for Heavey and thick leather. The turtlesare fairly easy to grind on as they only aggro if you attack them, however they are social animals orwhatever so if you attack one to close to another you will wind up fighting them both. Between levels 35-40 I made 120 gold and had an easy time grinding on these turtles and when I got bored I just swam over
to the nearby islands and killed Murlocs for awhile (got some tastey green items from them as well plus 1-3 silver per kill). Thank you drive through.
Labels: WoW Gold Guides
Posted by Gamer 0 comments
Starting a World of Warcraft Herbalist
Get to at least level 5 and learn the herbalism profession. Already we know that Herbalism is a very money ridden profession, and with that, comes the idea that with just a little effort, you can be rich with only a few hours work. This works the best if you are the Undead race, but also will work as Human, or Tauren. Like stated before, be sure to pick up the herbalism profession (and for added bonus, go with mining).
Now if you do go with herbalism, stick with Find Herbs most of the time, as the herb we are looking for sells more then copper at the lower levels. From this point we are now going to travel outside of the newbie area, and into the real world in search of, yes, you guessed it, silverleaf. Silverleaf is EXTREMELY abundant in the early and second areas of the game, but even more abundant in the Undead and Human areas.
Why this is I'm not sure, but after farming only one stack of silverleaf, you can sell it on the Auction House for as much as 1gold 25silver. Yes, for only at most 10 minutes work, 1g 25s for a level 10.
Too good to be true? Well, the lowest I've seen silverleaf go for is 85s, so still even then, at that
level anything over 20s is a lot, believe me, I know. You don't even need a map for this, as with the "Find Herbs" trait you can easily find those abundant silverleaf no matter where you are. All but some servers may have a more crippled economy in the lines of silverleaf, give it a few days and watch the price skyrocket.
Labels: WoW Gold Guides
Posted by Gamer 0 comments
Friday, October 26, 2007
Finally! Paid Name Changes
Blizzard has announced that they will change your character's name to an available, allowable name for $10 and I say, "It's about time!". This is an administrative service that should have been available from the beginning, in my opinion. Regardless, it's available now (on selected servers) and here are the rules:
- It's $10 per name change.
- You can't change your name again for 90 days and your old name will be unavailable for 90 days as well.
- It has to be available on your server. Captain Obvious says, "Duh!".
- It will take a few hours while they approve your name change, since it must follow the Naming Policy.
- While the name change process takes place, your character will be unavailable.
- The name change is permanent unless you pay to change it again 90+ days later.
- This function is being rolled out in phases, a few servers at a time.
- Characters on your ignore list who have had their names changed will remain there with the new name. (Update: edited for clarity)
Labels: World of Warcraft News
Posted by Gamer 0 comments
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Selling Your Junks to get wow gold
Obviously one of the things that motivates players the most is earning gold. Gold gets you new
equipment, better abilities, and in my opinion, just looks good in high quantities. So how do you
make gold? Mining is one way, but running instances like the deadmines combines mining to get
bronze with lots of magic/wool/linen drops. And if you can run it alone, plenty of coin drops from
those elites! I found out at an early level that large sums of money can be made with mining.
Shortly after I found that linen stacks can go for 1-2g! I was shocked. I tested it over and over and
with one stack of linen or wool with a buyout of 2g for linen and no buyout for wool can get you
rich! Place both at starting bids of 10s and set for 24 hours.
The Deadmines are a goldmine for getting cash at low lvls. Bronze can even be smelted in mid
instance! Magic items can be sold in AH or to venders and wool and linen are in heavy supply!
Labels: WoW Gold Guides
Posted by Gamer 0 comments
Selling World of Warcraft Traveler's Backpack
Very good way to get lots of WoWgold is by selling Traveler's backpacks. I do mean ALOT! Usually,Alliance are two times or even three times more populated than hordes. To start your main have to be on Horde side, because he'll be getting the money. You will also need to have an Alliance character. Farm a little bit money for your Alliance character, when you get about 20g, go to the nearest AH and buy Traveler's bag. Then fly to tanaris, and set buyout very low.
Relog with your main, and buyout those bags. Be sure to do it quick. Ok you got the bags? What
next? - Since the Alliance population is much bigger, there are much more bags on AH, and they
cost much cheaper. My server on alliance side I can get one bag for 5 gold but on Horde it costs 10 gold. So I bought one bag for 5 gold, sell for 10 gold and I profit 5 gold per bag.
If iI farmed with my alliance char 20 gold, and bought 4bags, with main char I gained 20 gold.
Nice? Now you get your main a little bit money, and you farm again with Alliance char. Now you put it on tanaris, if you buy bag by 5g per one, then put on tanaris on 6g per each, so you will get a little bit money down from your main character, but not with your alliance char, because tanaris takes 15% from the item to themselves... I farmed in one week about 4.000golds! Good nah? Good
luck! :)
Labels: WoW Gold Guides
Posted by Gamer 0 comments
Ten Ways Players Leave Guilds
I’ve stated before that when I play MMOs, I typically will end up joining a guild. Normally I will do this through the normal course of the game, researching guilds and perhaps getting referred by people I happen to group with. So I join a guild. Now let me say that my guild experiences thus far have been good (except for one bone-headed mistake I have only myself to blame for!). But no matter the guild, no matter what my personal experience has been, I always tend to move on when I leave an MMO and I ultimately migrate to join another guild in my next MMO.
Throw in all the guild related posts that Wife Aggro has had up lately, and it got me to thinking about the various ways I’ve left guilds, but also what I’ve seen happen in guilds over the years. So without further ado, here is my list of ten reasons why and how players leave guilds:
1. Going AWOL: These are the folks who just drop off the face of the planet and are never seen again. They likely never said anything to anyone but they’re going just the same. They might have even deleted their character and canceled their account. It’s quitting cold-turkey without a word to anyone. It’s mystifying most of the time as no one seems to know anything.
2. Taking a break/Leave of Absence: This is the person who just needs a break because they are burnt out, or maybe school, work or family deserve some much needed attention. However, the chances of this person coming back are iffy. Half the time the person never does come back and the break or leave becomes permanent. However, it’s at least a bit better than the AWOL scenario because the person told you they’d be gone for awhile. It’s when you realize they’ve been going two months longer than what they said they were going to be that you start to wonder what happened. Hopefully at least someone in your guild knows them in RL and can stay in touch and perhaps keep the guild updated.
3. RL Emergency: These you just can’t anticipate. Health issues, job issues, family issues, you name it. This person may have to completely drop out on the spur of the moment depending on what’s happened. There is usually just a very brief explanation at the time. Sometimes the person may be able to duck in and out of the game/forums for updates as they can, but they can’t really play. Sometimes this person is able to come back, but sometimes they don’t and you’ve lost a guildmate.
4. The Graceful Exit: This is the by-the-book way to leave a guild. The person gives notice a few days/weeks ahead of time and leave gracefully on good terms. Most of the time the person will take time to chat with people in the guild to say good-byes in game and on the boards. A lot of the time the person may even give their stuff away to the guild or to close friends. Often this person will stay in touch at least semi-regularly and may even rejoin the guild in future games.
5. Drama: This is either the player who is the cause of drama, or maybe it’s a player who is just sick of it swirling around them. In the first case, the player will likely be booted (see 6). In the latter case, the player will likely just leave just to get away from it (see 1, 2 or 4). Regardless, people who leave due to drama (voluntarily or involuntarily) rarely come back. Either the guild doesn’t want them back due to the drama they caused, or the player doesn’t want to come back due to the guild being full of drama.
6. Getting kicked out: Getting booted. The person has done something that is bad enough for the guild leader or officers to opt to just boot you. Sometimes this is accompanied by aforementioned drama, but other times it’s somewhat abrupt. In the latter case, only a few will ever know the real reason for the boot, and speculation can swirl (which can start a new round of drama). Other times the guild leader will make a post to inform the guild about what’s happened and why, and field any questions or concerns that may arise.
7. Identity Crisis: This is the (usually drama filled) story of how a long time guild member is suddenly discovered to not really be who they say they are. They may reveal that they are in fact someone completely different than who they’ve portrayed themselves to be (i.e. a girl when everyone thought a guy, or a forty year old when they thought a teenager, etc.). Or this could go even deeper and you find out that the RL person who had the account left long ago, and some ‘usurper’ has taken over, masquerading as the guildmate everyone knew. Often times this person will /guit or get booted as a result of the whole episode.
8. The Angry /gquit: This is the scenario when someone gets insanely frustrated or mad about something and just /gquits abruptly, sometimes after having made angry outbursts in guild chat before leaving. There is no warning, no chance to talk or ask questions, no chance to let cooler heads prevail. Every time I’ve seen this happen it’s left a lot of “wtf?” and “??” in /gchat, with the expected flurry of private tells to officers trying to find out what happened. Often this person will later actually want back into the guild, but is too prideful to ask due to how they left.
9. The Grass is Greener: This player simply leaves the guild for greener pastures, whatever they think that might be. They may leave in a good way (i.e. this was a really hard decision, you guys are great, etc.), in a bad way (the officers suck, this guild is heading downhill, you guys will never go anywhere, etc.), or sometimes without a word at all. Seems like a 50/50 chance for one of these players to come back, and if they do, it’s with their tail between their legs (ask me, I know firsthand on this one!). Sometimes guilds will let these folks come back if they left in a good way, but other times there’s more of a “you betrayed us and left” and they won’t let you back in.
10. “Me” Time: This person quits the guild because they just don’t want to be a part of a guild anymore and all it entails. They will keep a pretty healthy friends list, but they just don’t want to deal with /gchat, officers, message boards, raiding schedules, and guild drama. They just want time to play the game, keep in touch with a few friends, and not have a lot of overhead.
So those are my ten reasons of why and how people leave guilds, based on my experience and what I’ve seen over the years. I’ve actually left guilds for reasons 1, 2, 4, 5, and 9 over the years, so I’ve experienced quite a few firsthand. Would you add any others to this list? Do any especially ring true for you from what you’ve seen?
Labels: World of Warcraft Articles
Posted by Gamer 0 comments
Sunday, October 21, 2007
The History of the World (of Warcraft) Part I
Are you aware (and I'm sure some of you are) that at one point in World of Warcraft, there was an experience penalty suffered when you were slain? Indeed, even though the lack of experience loss is one of the things that sets current WoW apart from other MMOs, back in its infancy the death penalty was practically the same as what you would find in EverQuest or Final Fantasy XI, though without the de-leveling found in the latter.
Let us take a moment to sit down, pull up a cup of your favorite socially acceptable beverage, and go over a handful of the many changes that WoW has gone through since Blizzard introduced it to a select number of beta testers back in 2004.
When I was first accepted into the WoW beta, it was in the period following the 0.6.0 patch, so naturally I'm going to start my discussion there. At the time, my friends and I were heavily invested into the MMOs of they day – EverQuest, Dark Age of Camelot, and the newcomer to the scene, the previously mentioned FFXI. Upon seeing the early WoW screenshots and videos that Blizzard had released, the opinions of my friends were basically divided in to two camps: Those that were ravenously excited about the game, and those that felt its visual style was far too cartoonish to be taken seriously. I was in the former group, being a huge fan of pretty much everything that Blizzard had ever released, the Warcraft games in particular. I applied for beta the moment they posted a sign up page, and eventually I received the blessed email that informed me I had been accepted in.
My first character, as was my tradition with pretty much all RPGs, MMO or single player, was of course the paladin Arturis. Signing in to the game, I was overwhelmed at how true to Warcraft III the style had translated, and immediately I set to work slaying wolves and kobolds outside the quaint little abbey in Northshire.
The talent system, at that time, had been completely removed in order to be re-written from the ground up. The previous talent system, I later learned from presentations at both BlizzCon '05 and '07, was a very simple 3 step upgrade scheme. For example, you could take a spell like Fireball, upgrade it to a second tier that had more damage and a longer range, and then push it up to a third tier which once again upgraded the damage, range, and perhaps added a dot effect to it. I don't remember the actual specifics of it, because that was both before my time and paladins don't get to throw around too many fireballs, even back then.
In the place of a talent system there was a completely different skill system from what we know and use today. Every level, starting at level 1, earned you a single skill point that you could later spend to learn new weapons or trade skills. Since Arturis, in all his previous incarnations across various games, had been a master swordsman, I set my first goal as getting to level 10 so that I could invest my 10 skill points into purchasing the ability to use two handed swords. In doing so, I encountered my first major bug in the game that I would encounter frequently until well after beta; Creatures were spawning half (and some times completely) inside of trees and cliffs, caught just enough that they couldn't move in most cases, and couldn't be hit in others.
Patch 0.7.0 rolled around and introduced a slew of new features into the game, though only one of them affected me at my low level: The mail system. For the first time I discovered the joy of being able to send in-game items to an alt without having to trust someone enough to trade the item to a third party and back again. Though FFXI had a mail system at the time, the WoW system was by far less clumsy to deal with, and to this day one of my favorite features of WoW.
The Auction House was introduced in Patch 0.8.0, and though the patch notes list them as being added to every major city, I only recall seeing them in Ironforge and Orgrimmar (though I was only in my high teens with Arturis at the time, and had not made it down to Booty Bay yet.) If the AH's had been added to the other cities then they were removed almost immediately – I spent a great amount of time traveling back and forth between Stormwind and Ironforge just to use the AH, and this was before the tram existed between them.
O'Eight brought in another huge change – the first talent trees were introduced, for Warriors and Mages. This prompted me to create a dwarven warrior – I don't recall the name, honestly, though I'm sure it was something guttural and clandestine, which would make your knees knock and your spine shiver at the mere sound of it. Or perhaps it was Bob. The world may never know, because I don't think I got much more then level 3 with him. The Dwarf Possibly Named Bob and I just didn't click, and he was soon deleted. I spent more time staring at the blank panel that would some day be the paladin talent tree and imagining what kind of holy justice I would eventually be able to dish out to the demons and undead of the world of Azeroth.
Another system that got an overhaul in addition to the talent system was the rest state system. It had gone through several incarnations, supposedly, but when I started playing it was less of a reward for taking time off and more of a penalty for playing too long. That's right, if you played longer then a certain amount of time it would decrease the amount of experience you received, as a way to insinuate that your character was getting too tired to go on and that he needed a nap at the nearest inn. With the revamp in 0.8 they removed the penalty and normalized it to the way we see rest state today, going from rested (with bonus exp) to normal (without bonus exp) and not below.
Patch 0.9 brought about the introduction of a brand new character class that you may have heard of called "The Hunter". Talent trees were introduced for the priest and rogue classes. It was either this patch or the one previous that paladins lost the Healing and Mana Auras that used to make eating/drinking unnecessary for anyone in the paladin's group. I was little bummed out by the loss, but I could understand the reasons for removing them. A week or so later brought us patch 9.1 with a few important bug fixes. Now I can't recall the exact time line (it has been awhile), but it was somewhere around here they Blizzard implemented a "fix" to those creatures that were getting stuck in the terrain. Now, if a creature could directly attack you yet you could attack it, it would automatically Evade any attempts to damage it. This is still in the game today, though you don't see it anywhere near as often. This fix didn't actually decrease the number of creatures stuck in the terrain – they were still getting stuck well past when the game went live – it just made it so you couldn't kill those creatures for free experience, which some players were abusing for faster leveling.
This brings us to the final live release, which was quickly followed up with patch 1.1 that introduced all those fun little things we call Racial Abilities. Paladin talents finally arrived, along with those for hunters. And Arturis was officially wiped from the beta server (along with the rest of the beta characters), only to be rise again and start over on Elune. Still, this version of WoW as it existed on launch day is amazingly different then the game we play today, but that would be a topic for a separate article for another day.
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Posted by Gamer 0 comments
Optimized WoW Gold Farming Techniques
This is the advice I give to friends. When setting up your character, be sure first to read about the characters plus, and minuses; then set up for the strong and weak points. Take in consideration how the character supports himself and how the character can keep going and keep on track to level without losses.
Don't spend money on items at the auction during the first 10 levels of your character. Almost everything you will need, will drop to you from the quests. Keep your activities balance in the amount time of questing and making products. Then, as you gain money from making and questing you will see your pocket grow.
The usual, your character does by the skills he has, whether it is mining, leather, or tailoring. You make and sell your products. This is how you gain, the more you practice your trade, the more gold you have in your pocket, when you sell the items. The higher the level your character is the higher the prices in the prices of your products.
Resale, this happened during the holidays. I know of a character that went out and bought snowballs and after collecting many, was selling them at a higher price to others. Later bragging about the profit. Take advantage of this.
Once you level some you can charge others to guide them through lower quests that you can whiz threw. There are many ways to make money, for example you can protect and kill for lower characters.
In the group playing, be sure to express your wants and needs, to keep the character going. Drink and food on hand before; so your character can keep going till the quest is completed.
Labels: WoW Gold Guides
Posted by Gamer 0 comments
Low Level Disenchanting - Easy Cash
If you are struggling to find a second profession you ACTUALLY USE, pick up enchanting.
No no no, I know what you're thinking "Leveling enchanting is expensive......and I don't wanna stand around town shouting Enchanting blah blah".
I hear you, and that's why many people avoid enchanting, but here's the deal. When you "disenchant" items, you get enchanting materials such as "Strange Dust", "Magic Essence", and "Glimmering Shards". ANY enchanted item (noted by a green name in the game) can be disenchanted and provides you with some of these items.
Armors usually disenchant into strange dust, while weapons disenchant into magic essence, greater magic essence and shards. Stacks of 10 Strange Dust sell regularly on the Auction House for 50s-1g. When picking up even a level 6 enchanted piece of armor from fishing or hunting, it can be disenchanted by a novice Enchanter to 2 Strange dust with no problem. Considering most people get 2 or 3 pieces of armor a day from drops, and typically just sell them to vendors for low price here's a great strategy.
1. Train Enchanting at any of your local Arcanery shops.
2. Don't bother leveling up any of the skills at the trainer. You immediately get the ability to DISEnchant ANY enchanted item in the game.
3. When you pick up items you don't wish to use, and won't go for much at the Auction House or at an NPC, just disenchant it. Once you get a stack of 10 or so strange dust, sell it at the AH for 75s or so. It will sell pretty quickly to high level enchanters in the game who are desperate for the stuff. "Small Glimmering Shards", disenchanted off level 16-25 weapons or so sell for as much as 3-4 G in stacks of 10 at the AH! More commonly from all weapons you'll get Greater Magic Essence. These sell for around 1.5G a stack in the AH.
So moral of the story here? There actually is a profession out there that requires NO leveling, and will IMMEDIATELY benefit you with items you loot but don't need. Check it out, it's well worth the effort........considering it only requires walking to the local Arcanery shop.
Labels: WoW Gold Guides
Posted by Gamer 2 comments
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Low Level (20-25ish) - 3 Gold per Hour
This is not very revolutionary, but I just wanted to pass on a method I use for making ~2.5 to 3 gold in a 30-40 minutes..
Specifically, I told a friend that I would help him do Van Cleef the other night. I am level 31 paladin, he was level 24 hunter. Had a level 29 priest with us too. We were waiting for a couple other people to join us just outside the instance when the priest had some emergency and had to log. My friend the hunter just disappeared (turns out it was ISP problems). I was left just outside the instance all alone. The other two guys didn't want to do it since the point was to help my friend. So, I said to myself, what the hell. I'm here, I'm just going to play around in the instance for a while to see how far I can get.
So I enter the instance and start killing stuff. Try to just kill the elite mobs, which for a level 31 aren't all that difficult, but of course got aggro'd a lot by the miners and other lower level mobs. Got absolutely NO xp of course. However, taking my time, making sure I didn't aggro 10 things at a time, I was able to make it through the shredder room no problem. After killing the shredder and operator, I looked in my inventory and, wow - my backpack and 4 10-slot bags were just about full already. Checked out what was there and found 10-12 "green" items and lots of other valuable grey items. I'm sure you could get the occasional blue item even from the early rooms. I deleted a few items that I knew were just about worthless to make room in my inventory and continued on. In the next room, I killed several more mobs when my inventory "full" message came on. I deleted a couple other things, but then I got careless. I aggro'd too many mobs, inluding 5 elite mobs I think. I died.
Instead of running back and getting my body, I just rezed at the cemetary and sold everything. Total take, after repairing my items, was just under 4 gold. Now, some of the stuff in my inventory I had before I went into the Deadmines. So, between looting copper/silver and selling deadmines loot, I estimate that I made about 3 gold from the deadmines itself. Conservativley, I would think you could easily make at least 2.5 gold this way each time.
Now this amount of gold is nothing when you get to higher levels - some of the drops can sell for over 1 gold each at higher level places. However, if you are between, say, level 30-35, this is a very good way to make money with little risk of dying (at least early on if you take your time). Also it is more fun, in my opinion, to be fighting something as compared to fishing, mining, grinding anything.
Therefore, in summary, if you have 30-40 mins to kill, and if you are of high enough level (easist if at least over 30, I would guess), you can simply go to the deadmines and kill everything in sight, loot the mobs and sell everything you loot. I will do this again tonight to see if my results are repeatable.
Labels: WoW Gold Guides
Posted by Gamer 2 comments
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Silvermoon University holds class in Azeroth
Silvermoon Unversity is an interesting little guild-- they go above and beyond the call of RPing over on Twisting Nether. The guild is run as a real university inside Azeroth. Instead of guild officers, they have "Instructors," new guildies are called Freshmen, and so on. "Higher education meets the Horde" is their motto. That's great.
And it all translates into guild activities, too-- they take field trips in different subjects (right now, on their homepage, they have a piece of news up about a "marine biology" trip off the coast of Theramore), and apparently the people in their "School of Literature and Art" actually write and perform plays, too. If you look elsewhere on their site, you can even find a "yearbook," complete with quotes, "skills" (professions), and a place of birth for each character.
Very interesting. Seems a little wacky to me, but lots of their characters haven't reached 70 yet, which means they must be getting a lot out of this roleplaying, enough to keep them from actually playing the game itself.
Labels: World of Warcraft Articles
Posted by Gamer 0 comments
World of Warcraft on Your 360?
Playing World of Warcraft on your XBox 360? Blasphemy! Blizzard said this would never happen!
Ok, ok, don't get your panties all in a bind. While this development isn't exactly playing WoW on your 360, it's the next best thing. Xfire is now releasing a nice bit of free software that allows you to use your 360 controller to play WoW on your PC. Sure, something similar was done in the distant past, but that required a fistful of technical skill (and was a significant pain in the backside). Xfire's software makes using the 360 controller as easy to use and set up as possible. Heck, an orc could do it.
This new fancy-schmancy software is called Switchblade. It's got a nice pre-loaded configuration, as well as the ability to customize the keys any way you see fit. We took a good look at the Switchblade set-up, and it appears pretty intuitive. While nothing will ever replace the keyboard and mouse as a precise interface, the Switchblade setup for the 360 comes pretty close.

Labels: World of Warcraft News
Posted by Gamer 0 comments
Making More than 1000 Gold a Day With Jewelcrafting
With the addition of jewelcrafting to the list of crafting options in World of Warcraft, the opportunity to make large sums of gold in a single day also rose. There are numerous methods to do so, but I will share one in particular that has worked incredibly well in the past.
First off, you’re going to need a supply of Adamantite Ore, something that costs about 20-30 gold per stack in the auction house. You can choose to either stockpile such ore with your alternate mining character or buy it off the auction house. Either way, a little bit of investment is going to be needed.
Basically, you’re just playing to the odds that there is as rare gem stacked in with your ore. Because rare gems tend to show up 1-4 times per stack of ore, you can extract them and make up to a 300% profit if you have a lucky purchase. Of course, this is a bit of risk and therefore requires a bit of capital to start off with. But, if you have the capital and the luck, you can make up to 100 gold in profit per stack of Ore.
The best way to go about making money is to just spend about an hour or so a day finding and mining supplies of the Adamantite Ore. Build up a nice supply of it and when you have enough, you can prospect out the gems. Sell the gems in bulk as well, usually 10 or more at a time and you can probably make a larger profit than in the Auction House.
Your prospecting skill, which allows you to find rare gems in ore, can be trained starting at level 20. To reach the level necessary to prospect Adamantite Ore, you’ll need to have 325 skill, but it’s entirely worth it.
Copper = 1
Tin = 50
Iron = 125
Mithril = 175
Thorium = 250
Fel Iron = 275
Adamantite = 325
When you prospect a stack of the Adamantite dust, you won’t come up completely empty handed if there are no rare gems. You can still sell the dust to a vendor for about 4.5 gold or so and you will usually find a few uncommon gems, which sell for 20 gold per stack to vendors. For those with the right amount of gold in capital, you can prospect upwards of 1000 gold worth of rare gems each and every day.
Overall though, you’re risking a little bit if you list rare gems on the Auction House for set prices alone. It’s always better to sell them in bulk to ensure sales and make sure you don’t get undercut in price. Also, the deposit fees on dozens of single auctions are too high to make enough profit as well. With the right approach though, you can make a substantial amount of gold in a very short time by simply buying and taking apart existing ore.
Labels: WoW Gold Guides
Posted by Gamer 0 comments
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Hot Warcraft Elf Babe
So far of all the World of Warcraft Babe’s out there, I think I’ve found 4 so far, this one is by far my favorite. But I DO love the blondes….
Labels: WoW Funny Screenshot
Posted by Gamer 0 comments
Limited Supply Items - Tailoring Vendors
You will find the tailoring vendors that sell limited supply patterns in this World
of Warcraft guide. It is organized by the pattern and is in alphabetical order to
make your life easier when trying to sort through it.
Admiral's Hat
Bloodsail Swashbuckler - Stranglethorn Vale 70 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Cowardly Crosby - Stranglethorn Vale 70 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Azure Silk Cloak
Brienna Starglow - Feralas 15 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Jun'ha - Arathi Highlands 15 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Black Swashbuckler's Shirt
Cockatiel - Stranglethorn Vale 15 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Kelsey Yance - Stranglethorn Vale 15 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Narkk - Stranglethorn Vale 15 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Crimson Silk Cloak
Super-Seller 680 - Desolace 12 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Xizk Goodstitch - Stranglethorn Vale 12 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Crimson Silk Robe
Vizzklick - Tanaris 50 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Vizzklick - Hillsbrad Foothills 50 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Dark Silk Shirt
Jason Lemieux - Hillsbrad Foothills 11 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Mallen Swain - Hillsbrad Foothills 11 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Sheri Zipstitch - Duskwood 9 Silver 90 Copper Limited Supply (1)
Super-Seller 680 - Desolace 11 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Tarren Mill Deathguard - Hillsbrad Foothills 9 Silver 90 Copper Limited Supply (1)
Enchanter's Cowl
Super-Seller 680 - Desolace 10 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Xizk Goodstitch - Stranglethorn Vale 10 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Felcloth Pants
Lorelae Wintersong - Moonglade 1 Gold 60 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Flarecore Gloves
Lokhtos Darkbargainer - Blackrock Depths 8 Gold 52 Silver 50 Copper Limited
Supply (1)
Flarecore Mantle
Lokhtos Darkbargainer - Blackrock Depths 18 Gold Limited Supply (1)
Icy Cloak
Ghok'kah - Dustwallow Marsh 15 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Micha Yance - Hillsbrad Foothills 15 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Lavender Mageweave Shirt
Borya - Orgrimmar 40 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Outfitter Eric - Ironforge 40 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Tor'phan - Orgrimmar 40 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Mooncloth Robe
Shen'dralar Provisioner - Dire Maul 4 Gold Limited Supply (1)
Runecloth Bag
Qia - Winterspring 1 Gold 20 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Qia - Badlands 1 Gold 20 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Runecloth Boots
Darnall - Moonglade 2 Gold Limited Supply (1)
Runecloth Cloak
Darnall - Moonglade 1 Gold 20 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Darnall - Redridge Mountains 1 Gold 20 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Runecloth Gloves
Qia - Winterspring 1 Gold 60 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Qia - Badlands 1 Gold 60 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Runecloth Robe
Darnall - Moonglade 1 Gold 20 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Tuxedo Jacket
Outfitter Eric - Ironforge 50 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Tuxedo Pants
Outfitter Eric - Ironforge 45 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Tuxedo Shirt
Outfitter Eric - Ironforge 45 Silver Limited Supply (1)
White Wedding Dress
Alexandra Bolero - Stormwind City 90 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Mahu - Mulgore 1 Gold Limited Supply (1)
Just a reminder that all of these limited supply items listed above are patterns.
If you were to search the auction house for these remember to put Pattern: in
front of it. That is all I have for the tailoring limited supply vendors. If you
have more or you see an error in this list please let me know so I can update this wow guide.
Labels: WoW Gold Guides
Posted by Gamer 0 comments
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Limited Supply Items - Blacksmith Vendors
Below you will find the blacksmith vendors that sell limited supply plans. It is organized by the plan to make it easier to go through.
Golden Scale Coif
Krinkle Goodsteel - Tanaris 44 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Trenton Lighthammer - Tanaris 44 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Hardened Iron Shortsword
Hank the Hammer - Stormwind City 30 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Jutak - Stranglethorn Vale 30 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Kaita Deepforge - Stormwind City 27 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Sumi - Orgrimmar 30 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Sumi - Stranglethorn Vale 30 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Massive Iron Axe
Hemet Nesingwary - Stranglethorn Vale 44 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Vharr - Stranglethorn Vale 39 Silver 60 Copper Limited Supply (1)
Mithril Scale Bracers
Gharash - Swamp of Sorrows 60 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Gharash - Badlands 54 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Harggan - The Hinterlands 60 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Moonsteel Broadsword
Zarena Cromwind - Stranglethorn Vale 44 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Solid Iron Maul
Apprentice Kryten - Arathi Highlands 30 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Jannos Ironwill - Arathi Highlands 30 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Jazzrik - Badlands 30 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Muuran - Desolace 30 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Ridge Huntress - Badlands 30 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Rigglefuzz - Badlands 30 Silver Limited Supply (1)
Just a reminder that all of these limited supply items listed above are plans. If you were to search the auction house for these remember to put Plans: in front of it. That is all I have for the blacksmith limited supply vendors. If you have more or you see an error in this list please let me know so I can update this guide.
Labels: WoW Gold Guides
Posted by Gamer 0 comments
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Crazy WoW Gold farming spot - netherstorm, level 70
Whether you are looking to rapidly advance your reputation with the Aldor or just make some decent gold, you should try the Arklon Ruins (42,71) located southeast of Area 52 in Netherstorm (Wowhead WowWiki). This is a must-grind area for those looking to gain reputation with the Aldor, but is also a sweet spot to farm gold and Motes of Shadow.
Here you should focus on two mobs: Artifact Seekers and Felblade Doomguards. You will not believe the amazing drop rates these two mobs have for:
Mark of Sargeras (WowEcon Wowhead) drop: 36.1%-56.1%
Fel Armament (WowEcon Wowhead) drop: 1.8%-3.6%
Mote of Shadow (WowEcon Wowhead) drop: 23.8%-49.6%
As you can see from the WowEcon data, when sold in bunches these can be worth quite a bit of gold in the Auction House. Although it appears there is a general decline in the value of Marks of Sargeras, 75 silver is still not bad if you are able to sell 100 at a time. Mote of Shadows would appear to not be worth much, but remember they are used to make Primal Shadows (WowEcon Wowhead), which are worth 10 times as much.
The real winners here appear to be the Fel Armaments: appropriate given their drop rate. They are rare, but every time one drops it?s as good as having 12-15 gold deposited to your bank.
Labels: WoW Gold Guides
Posted by Gamer 0 comments
Friday, October 12, 2007
Huge Amount of Gold - Level 40+ - What Pro Farmers Use
FIRST room (torturer) spawns a chest. I've gotten a minimum of 3g worth of stuff out of it every time.
Get a partner.
Do it, leave, reset the instance, repeat. It takes less than 5 min. at level 44. Level 50+ should be able to just waltz in, get the chest and leave w/o having to fight anything.
Some sweet items spawn in the chest. Actually, on Thottbot it lists FIVE pages of potential drops.
Ok, I can solo the first chest with my 44 Hunter.
I go to the end of the hall and check the chest. If it's missing or locked, I or my kid did something wrong when resetting the instance and I lost about 45 biggie, I run out and start over.
I can actually walk all the way up to the chest without getting attacked, but there are 4 humans who bang
on me as soon as I start to open it.
So I kill the two in the outside hall, then as I go into the room I jog right a bit and make my pet Stay next to the barrels (you'll see...).
Ok, then I target one of the four and send in the pet. Simultaneously I run toward the chest.
By the time my pet dies, I'm back out in the hall with the loot and on my way out the door.
I can see a real application for Target Dummies here.....
One other thing:
If you and your partner (not Life Partner...) are in the instance, the chest is unlocked.
If your partner is actually waiting at Warsong Gulch, the chest will be locked... OR the Instance reset will giltch..
So you need to ditch absentee partners before you go in.
Reset Instances
Hot tip in how to reset the instance
Write a macro that says:
/Invite xxxxxx (replace xxx with the person u ll use for this)
/Script LeaveParty()
You can use anyone to reset the instance like that. U must hit the macro before leaving, u ll know that is working when u get the message that tells u will be teleporte at xxx in 60seconds.
Is best if you do a /who to get a list of ppl that is doing SM as u can asume they are in a group. If the person you use is in a group they wont even notice that you are using them to reset the instance.
More Feedback:
Okay here is the deal I ran this thing for 1.5 hours last night and found some pretty cool stuff. I was running with a 60th druid and I am a 43rd warrior
1. Only go for the first chest. It normally has 1-2 greens some food, silk and a couple silver.
2. The second chest is all over the place and much time is wasted trying to find it half the time.
3. About every 4-5 time going through the 4 guys around the chest drop items like nuts. I am talking 2-3 green drops just for those 4 guys.
4. Kill the names torturer. he usually drops a green as well.
We couldn't get the instance to reset with the options given so we did the following and had no issues a single time
1. I invited EVERY time.
2. When we were done I transferred leadership and then dropped from the party
3. I invited him again.
I did these actions as well were running back out the door. We would get a countdown and I knew I was golden.
At the end of the run we decided to go over to the cathedral for a bit to kill the Sleeping punk. The drops are signifigantly betting on that side, but the fighting is stiffer as well. We did it more to completely fill our bags with a couple more greens. I made about 3-4 gold in silver drops and I have about 25-30 items for sale. Also got about 80 silk which doesn't sell well on my server, but I can sell it for 50s per stack I suppose.
To clear it up:
There at least 3 chest that spawn on that side. On being the in the Torture Chamber. Then there is one that will spawn in the courtyard area, it spawns either on the right or left side behind the little wall areas right as you come in. The last will spawns in the last part of this side down the stairs. As it was said sometimes these are locked, but someone posted awhile ago that this was a great place to use those extra gold bars to make keys. I am not sure if the gold skelton keys work but I do know that Truesilver ones do (always got 10 on me). There are also couple of chests that spawn on the Library side will take little more effort, but I have got some rare Blacksmithing plans in them like Weapon chain! One other thing has anyone ever seen or killed the rare spawn boss? Been thru so many times and have never seen him.
Labels: WoW Gold Guides
Posted by Gamer 0 comments
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Herbalism Farming to Get WoW Gold
Well with the rise in demand for warlocks epic mounts and other ther epic mount needs, ghost mushroom and elixer of shadow power are in very much demand right now on Dalaran server.
ghost mushrooms are pretty rare compared to most herbs... and only found in caves... i stay in the caves in hinterlands for an hour at that skull cave with oozes, and i can farm about 7 - 10
i take em back to AH and sell em each for 1.75 or 2g depending on if any one is selling mushrooms too.
people have been selling elixer of shadow power for 10 - 15g
shoot... it's only 15s at the alch vendor in stormwind...
but the demand for these are high coz of a warlock epic mount quest...
i've seen a stack of 5 go for as much as 25g
sell them in singles for 3.5g you can't go wrong.
Labels: WoW Gold Guides
Posted by Gamer 2 comments
Farming WoW Gold:Big Iron Fishing Pole
One of the best fishing poles in World of Warcraft is the Big Iron Fishing Pole. Anyone who wants to max out their fishing ability is going to need it at one point.
It only comes from one place and that is inside the cage traps on the ocean floor near the Horde town on the West coast of Desolace. If you head out near the town there (the area is green and grassy unlike the rest of Desolace) and go into the water directly west of the dock and swim down you will find traps littering the ocean ground there. When you open them you will either find shellfish, spawn a mob, or…get this rare fishing pole.
I was able to find 2 of these in a fair amount of time and guess what? They sell on my AH for over 25 gold! A map will be included within the next update.
Labels: WoW Gold Guides
Posted by Gamer 0 comments
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Paladin Solo Stratholme-300G/H
Do you want to get 300 wow gold per hour? If you are a Paladin,you can do it.Here is a video guide. Thus,to have a epic flying mount is not a hard thing.
Labels: WoW Gold Guides
Posted by Gamer 0 comments
Monday, October 08, 2007
Farm Pearls in the Wetlands - Great gold - Level 20-30+
When you exit Menethil Harbor head north to the area with Bluegills (lvl 20-25). Easily killed as long as you avoid the Oracles. They drop and item called Thick Shelled Clams around 30% of the time that can be opened like a bag to find one of three things Tangy clam meat or clam meat is the common item but can be stacked, you can also find small lustrous pearls and the occasional "Iridecent Pearl" which can be auctioned off for 1-3 gold very quickly as they are used very often in trade skill items of high quality. I've personally made 10-15 wow gold off these in just a very short time spent doing the bluegill quests, not to mention other drops that sold to vendors. My brother has also made a large amount.
Labels: WoW Gold Guides
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Azeroth Interrupted: Using WoW to teach children values
Kids on the internet is (or at least should be) a pretty scary thing for parents. There are predators, perverts or people with questionable ideas that you just don't want to expose your children to. I find it odd, therefore, that so many parents let their elementary school age children play WoW unsupervised. They must see it as an electronic babysitter like television or single player video games rather than what it really is: having your child be babysat by 9 million potential weirdos. These children attempt to get much needed guidance and attention from whatever stranger happens to be nearby. But players don't know how old unknown, needy players are -- they just see them as a nuisance and verbally abuse them accordingly.
More than just exposing children to negative influences, these parents are missing out on a great opportunity to teach their children some very important life lessons. Children go to school to get educated, but they are supposed to learn their values at home. I believe that playing WoW with your children can be a great way to instill them with some very basic yet important values. My daughter is not even preschool age yet, but when she is ready, I plan to play WoW with her -- probably after playing Toontown and maybe CoH first(there's no death, just defeat). I will play MMOs with her because I've seen the result of parents actively playing MMOs with their children. For example, there was Bigmo.
I met Bigmo playing EQ several years ago. He played a Dwarf somethingorother and we ended up in the same area killing stuff together. He was respectful, followed instructions and was focused: an unusually good PUG. He also wasn't very skilled in his class, but we were pretty low level so that wasn't uncommon. There was that lovely extensive downtime in EQ, waiting for spawns and to regen, so we ended up chatting. I was surprised to discover he was somewhere between 8 and 10 years old (I forget exactly how old). His typing was good and his spelling wasn't too bad (I've seen much worse in adults) and there was no leetspeak. He didn't volunteer any other personal information about himself -- though he did say that while he was sometimes allowed to play by himself, he often played with his father. He showed me his most cherished (virtual) possession: the sword (not too uber) that he had acquired when hunting with his dad. Over a few months, we often hunted together. Sure, I couldn't say naughty stuff in front of him, but I never felt like I was babysitting.
I never met Bigmo's father, online or elsewhere, but he had obviously succeeded in at least some aspects of parenting. If Bigmo has all those characteristics online, he probably exhibits them offline -- since we all know that the anonymity of the internet usually brings out the worst in people (link is not so child-friendly). I think that one way he succeeded was by teaching and reinforcing values during their online play. With directed, supervised and cooperative play in WoW, there are many values and skills you can instill in your child:
Good manners are a great social skill that can make many real life interactions with people much easier for your entire life. I'm not talking about using the right fork or what side of the sidewalk the guy is supposed to walk on -- but simple, basic manners like saying "please" and "thank you" cannot be taught too early. Azeroth is a great place for your budding etiquette expert to practice his manners. And I think I speak for most educated adults who play WoW when I say that we would all prefer that the word "please" be typed out.
As a parent, your child looks to you for necessities and rewards, but you know that other adults are not responsible for providing for or teaching your child. In WoW, your child is going to meet many strangers. He needs to know that they don't have to help him or even be nice to him. If they do decide to help your child, he needs to respect their time and appreciate their efforts. You can teach him to speak to the strangers in WoW as you would want him to speak to people who help us in real life.
Computer skills:
Computers are used in schools and in almost every job existing. While you do want to make sure that your child gets plenty of exercise and fresh air, using WoW is a great way to have your child practice keyboard and mouse use in the evenings or on rainy days.
Following instructions:
I am constantly amazed in the real world how difficult it is for so many adults to follow simple instructions. I think people, particularly supervisors, in all types of businesses can empathize with me on this. Finding an employee or trainee who can actually follow the steps that are plainly displayed or easily accessed is not as easy as you would think. I really don't know how schools are missing the mark on this one. You would think that this is the type of skill they would be good at teaching. Regardless, quests in WoW are particularly good for teaching this important skill. Have your child read the quest himself, figure out where to go on the map and lead the way there. You can have him be the leader and tell you what you need to accomplish and where you need to turn it in. The quests in the noobie areas (dare I say, the Human beginning area in particular?) are designed to introduce new players to questing in general and the types of quests that will be seen throughout the game. Starting characters from scratch and having your child lead the way (with guidance and hints) will be great for his learning how to follow instructions.
Working together toward virtual goals is practice for working with non-family members. Healing each other, taunting, crowd control, buffing -- these all teach cooperation. Even if you never let your child group with strangers, he is still learning how to work with others by playing with you.
Ok, this is a pet peeve. I am disturbed by the trend in both real life and WoW of people believing they are entitled to things for little or no effort. (Thank you reader Delta, who commented on last week's column, for inspiring this part.) As much as I complain about the grind and downtime in EQ, there was a real sense of achievement to each level, let alone the rare gear. In WoW, as much fun as I had getting from 60 to 70 in BC, it was over too quickly. I didn't really feel like I had achieved anything special. Even though WoW is much easier than most of the other MMOs I've played, there are still ways to give your child a sense of achievement. Don't run him through instances. Don't twink him out (though some bags and a gold piece wouldn't be so bad to ease the pain of noobness). Have him shop for gear he wants in places like WoWHead, figure out how to get it together and then do the work together. A sense of personal achievement and the knowledge that good things must be earned is imperative for succeeding at school, work and play. After all, there is no in-game or real life prize for "Best Forum Whiner"... yet.
Independence, Problem Solving, Self Esteem, Preparedness:
When you think your child is ready, and after teaching him some important safety tips, letting him play by himself (with some periodic, over the shoulder supervision) is a great way to have him learn many important things. He needs to learn about self sufficiency, figuring out problems, having the right supplies and tools, etc. Once you've shown him all of the basics, going out and doing it himself is a great way to reinforce everything he's learned. WoW is a gentle place for venturing out at a tender age because there is no real penalty for dying. Short of accidentally deleting his gear, all mistakes can be fixed. Be there for him in case of extreme frustration, but otherwise let him muddle through for himself. I do recommend having someone young or new to MMOs level up on a PVE server, however. Getting ganked repeatedly is demoralizing for players of all ages.
Of course, you should be teaching your children the values you want them to have outside of video games, as well. But parenting is a difficult, full-time job with lots of unpaid overtime. If you are reading this, you probably play WoW anyway, so why not combine your hobby with your parenting duties? I look forward to the time when I can play MMOs with my daughter and, if I do a good job, maybe she'll be as much fun for other people to quest with as Bigmo was for me.
Robin Torres juggles one level 70 Tauren Druid, multiple alts across multiple servers, two cats, one toddler, one loot-addicted husband and a yarn dependency. After years of attempting to balance MMOs with real life, Robin lightheartedly shares the wisdom gleaned from her experiences. If you would like to ask Robin's advice or if you have a story you wish to share, please email Robin.Torres AT weblogsinc DOT com for a possible future column.
Labels: World of Warcraft Articles
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Sunday, October 07, 2007
Farming Black Lotus With a World of Warcraft Herbalist
With the WoW herbalim profession you can make a great deal of money by farming Black Lotus. The herb can sell for 5-25g depending on your server. You can easily get 30g per hour. Morning would be the best time to hunt for them since there's probably alot less players at that time.
Here are some zones where you can find them:
Alterac Valley
Burning Steppes
Eastern Plaguelands
Labels: WoW Gold Guides
Posted by Gamer 1 comments
Thursday, October 04, 2007
World of Warcraft Gold Guide Download(PDF)---FREE
This is a PDF file about wow gold guide, which will make you rich in world of warcraft. And it is Free.
Download WoW Gold Guide.PDF
Labels: WoW Gold Guide Download
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Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Gold from Light Feathers - Tips for the Low Levels
Light feathers are used as a reagent for both a mage's slow fall and a priest's Levitate. Just so happens you can start getting these at a very low level (lvl 8 birds to be exact), starting in places like Westfall and The barrens.
The best part is they can sell for upwards to 4 wow gold per stack (20), well at least on my server. I've provided a link
below for a list of Birds who drop the feathers. Also, many quests just happen to involve these same beasts.
Labels: WoW Gold Guides
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World of Warcraft Guides: Learn How To Make Gold As A Newbie (lvls 6-10)
Did you just start a playing WoW or do you have a brand new character and
want to learn how to make gold very quickly? This guide is just for you! I have
found this on the internet and I feel it will help a lot of newbies to get started
and even some people that just started playing on the brand new servers and
wants to make gold quickly at the lower levels in the game!
Start as Skinner and a Herbalist or Miner for a while to gather resources. You
may have to travel to a main town to learn these skills early - but its worth
doing early.
Skinner as you will be killing many skinable mobs early on, and either Herbalist
or Miner as the radar marker conflicts - you cant have both a Herbalist and
Miner radar blip on. I have "toons" that are both Skinner, Herbalist and
Skinner, Miner ... I think the coin generated is a little better as a Miner (esp as
you get occ. gem drops in ore placements), but if you choose a dark-elf as a
race go herbalist as the starting area has no mining resources - there may be
an equivalent horde race !
Collect 6 slot bags as quickly as possible ... some will drop as loot, others can
be bought from tailors ... you can do a /who and /tell and offer to buy COD
(cash on delivery) via the mail system so you dont have to buy from an NPC
vendor or go to an Auction House before you are ready.
Have a "mule" sitting in your factions Auction House Town (eg. Ironforge for
Alliance) - create a character that is closest to the Auction House Town .. best
a dwarf or gnome for easy access to Ironforge - Humans need to travel via
Stormwind and the Underground tram system, Dark-Elves have to travel via
foot for about 20 minutes through dangerous territory to get anywhere near
Ironforge for the first time ... place your character very near a mailbox that is
not busy. There are two mailboxes near the Auction House in Ironforge - one is
always crowded .. crowds = lag. Choose the one that is not busy for your log-
in/log-out place. This mule you will post your stacks to for sale at the Auction
Keep notes of how much a stack of resources (light leather from skinning,
copper ore from mining, silverleaf and peaceblossom from herbalism) sell to an
NPC vendor but dont sell to the vendor.
Check the Auction House prices using the search facility and take note of the
starting and buyout prices for the stacks of resources you are selling. Many
items have a buy-out price upto 10-20 times the price an NPC vendor will buy
from you. I personally set my prices as follows .... starting price 2x the NPC
vendor buy value (around 1.5-2.5s per stack) and a buyout price 5-6 times the
NPC buy value unless all the competitor sellers buyout prices are way above or
below that, then I set my buyouts at just below theirs.
A couple of hours work at toon level 6-8 will give you 3-4 stacks of light
leather, 2-3 stacks of herbs, 1-2 stacks or metals bars (yep, smelt them for
mining experience before selling them ... if you are "grey" on smelting copper
(ie no mining XP form it), sell the stacks of raw ore) and if you are working in
an area of humanoids 1-2 stacks of linen cloth. Dont waste your linen on
bandages (FirstAid) .. at least not yet.
Dont waste bag storage space on grey usable items, ruined pelts, broken teeth
etc. unless you are filling up an inventory for the run home. Keep green items
for Auction House sale if your toon (or an alt) doesnt need them. Always set
auctions for 24 hours and put a buyout price about 4-6x the value to an NPC
vendor (again check the Auction House current prices so you dont over or under
value your items) ... the buyout price allows impatient bidders a way of getting
their items quickly - and your money faster.
Mail your major items to your mule for Auction House Placement, dump the
rest of the garbage ontot he NPC vendor.
Each stack will sell at Auction House for 5-10s per stack easily and up to 20s
per stack if the demand is right, low level "green" items 5-10s each.
My first (and still main) toon never got anywhere near this cash return so early
(mage, miner engineer) ... my current level 10 gatherer is getting 1g per 2
hours of game time (mixing it up with questing and general fun) .... a
concentrated effort should nett close to 1g per hour - a huge return for a low
level character me thinks.
Dont choose your crafting profession too early ... you can always drop one of
your gathering professions for a crafting profession once your cash flow is good.
Buying unneeded items early eats money.
Buying unneeded skills early eats money.
Enchanting eats money !
Engineering eats money !
Leatherworking, Blacksmithing and Tailoring can feed an enchanter, make
reasonably good money from auctioned items later.
Alchemy can be fun and provide a good range of buff and regen. potions for
your own use, then sell once you get to craft the higher demand potions.
Labels: WoW Gold Guides
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Monday, October 01, 2007
World of Warcraft Copper Mining Tip
This is a simple tip on how to make money at low level. Would be easier if you were an Orc or Troll because of their starting location. Orcs and Troll starts in durotar, for other races you will need to travel a bit further but it should all work pretty well.
You will need to become a Journeyman miner and purchase a mining pick to begin. Durotar has the highest number of copper veins so would be the most ideal place. Once you've collected a good amount of copper ore, return to the forge and smelt them. Once your copper ore is turned in bars, follow the path from Razor Hill north to Ogrimmar and then head to the auction house. Talk to one of the auctioneers and set price to 40 silver for buyout and make the price 45- 60 silver per 20 copper bars. I've seen stacks of copper bars go for 4g but avg seems more around 80s-1g. Be sure to check the prices in the AH first before listing. This is an ideal way to make money at low level. Below is a map of Durotar.
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